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Make Your Postwar Business Better by Buying More War Bonds
Completes 50 Years o[ Service With Western Lumber Company
Charles W. Aust of San Diego, on June 16, completed his Soth year of service 'rvith the \\iestern Lumber Company. At an impromptu shop celebration, attended by fellolr' employes, Jerry Sullivan Jr., president of the company, presented hirn rvith a beautiful s'atch on rvhich was engraved his name and the inscription "for hfty years of {aithful ,service." N{r. Sullivan paid him a nice compliment, saying, "he is one of the finest all-round rvorkmen in San Diego."
E. B. Culnan, vice president and general manager of the company, also speaks of him in very high terms. He says: "Cl-rarlie Aust is a man of high character, a loyal citizen, and all-round mechanic. He can operate every machine in the mill rvith highest skill and is a competent milllr'right as well as sa\v filer and sticker knife grinder. The first to arrive in the morning and the last to leave at night, loyalty to the company has always been one of his outstanding qualities. Recently lve installe<l a nerv filing room equipped with the latest machinery and hope that Charlie rvill be able to put in a good many more vears of valttable service to the company."
Mr. Aust has been a resident of San Diego since January 3, 1888. He and his rvi{e, Ilsthcr, n'ere tnarried trventyfour years ago. On June 19, he obserr-ecl his seventy-seconcl birthdav.
Terrible Twenty GolI Tourncment
The 2l6th Terrible Trventy golf tournan-rent was held at the I-os Angeles Countrl' Club Friday afternoon, May 26. Roy Stanton, Eddie Bauer and Gene DeArmond staged the show. Dinner u'as served in the evening.
Helmar Hoel rvith a net 7l u'on the first prize, a btonze golf trophy. The second prize, an Eversharp pencil, r,vent to Hervey Bor'vles rvith a net 76, and Harold Hamilton, with a net 77, took the third prize, a sport shirt.
llervey Boll,les 'ivas the rvinner in the first flight, and Eddie Bauer was runner up. Dee Essley won the second flight, and Gene DeArmond was the runner up.
For seven years the governing of the Terribles has been vested in a board of directors. The new board includes Frank Berger, chairman, Sid Alling, Eddie Bauer, Bob Osgood and Roy Stanton. De\\ritt Clark u-irs again appointecl secretary-tfeasurer.
Celotex Will Continue to Handle Certain-teed Products
The follorving lctter has bcer.r sent to all Celotex dealers by Henry W. Collins, r'icc presicler-rt of The Celotex Corporation:
"Recent publicity regarding Celotex and Certain-teed relations may have given the impression ,that our supply of products from Certain-teed plants u'ill be affectcd by the change in the Certain-teed board of dire,ctors.
"As you perhaps knorv, Celotex has had, and still has, long term contracts r,vith Certain-teed through which it secures roofing, g)'psum and other products from Certain-teed plants. These contracts, rvith some changes, were recently approvcd by the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Kings .Courrty, and Celotex is assured of a continuance of supply under then.r.
"I 'rvat.rt to assure you of our continued co-operation in the pron-rotion and salc of roofing, gypsum and other products."
New Shingrle Mill ct Bidgefield, Wash.
The nerv mill of The Ridgefield Shingle Company at Ridgefield, Washington, on rvhich construction began about March 1, rvas in actual operation on May 15. It is being operated by three machines of tr,vo 6-hour shifts, and producing about one carload of shingles per day. The mill is of the latest type of modern all-electric construction and is said to be one of the best small mills in the state. Western red cedar shingles are being produced.
Al Schmidt, owner of the Portland Shingle Company in Portland. Ore.. is also the owner of the new concern. Mr. Schmidt has been in the ,shingle business for the past ten years. Claire Wilcox is manager of the nerv plant.
Lieut. H. S. Corbett Killed
Lieutenant llorace S. Corbett, Jt., U. S. Army, was killed recently in the Nlediterranean area. He u'as the eldest son of Horace S. Corbett, Sr., former o\vner of the Laf.avette Lumber Co.. La{ayette. Calif.
Chcnge in Name
As of July 1,1941, the firm name of Barto ber Company rvill be knorvn as Ralph E. Company. The company's office and yard Nadeau Avenue, Huntington Park.
& Smith LumBarto Lumber is at 2310 East
San Diego Hoo-Hoo Meeting
Major Robert J. Duval, u'ho reccntly returned from the European theater of l'ar, u'as thc grrcst spcakcr at thc lumbermen's dinr.rcr nreetilrg helcl at thc San l)icgo Ilotcl, San Diego, Friday evening, Junc 23. Xfajor l)uval, a bornber pilot on a B-37, participatecl in the first bon'rbine's over France ancl has made 57 missior-rs or-er France and North Africa. He holcls thc clistingrrisherl Servicc Cross, one oak leaf cluster and air n'reclal l-ith eler.en clusters, ancl has been recommended for the Silr'cr Star. He is nolr' rvith the Air WAC Regional Recruiting Oflice in Los Angeles in the interest of recruiting Air \VACS for duty n'ith the Army Air Force, and he paicl thern an excellent tribute for the splendid rvork thev are doir-rg.
Nlajor Duval gave a fine talk l'hich rvas enjoved by the large gathering, over 100 being present.
The rnotion picture, "Air \\rar in the Pacific," \\'lrs shot'n by Chief Pe,ttv Ofhcer, \[. L. Epp. Lieut. Florence Morris, cor.nmancling officer of ti.re WAC office in San I)iego, Licut. Johrr I{. Pattison, hcarl of the San Diego Air \\-AC rccnriting team, ancl Lieut. Dorothy King, \\iAC ofllcer on thc San Dicgo Air \\rAC recruiting team, \vefe gtlests.
Nfearl Baker, Baker-NfcDernrott Tlardvuood Cci., presicled at the nreeting. Justin Evenson, American I'ro<lucts, Inc., introcluced N{ajor Duval. Ilricf talks .wcre macle by Vicegerent Snark Frank Park, Palk Lunrbcr tt Inr.cstmcr.rt Co., La X'[esa, and Ed X{artin, Thc Califorr"ria Lrrmbcr Nferchant, I-os Angeles. Thc meeting \\'as sponsored by the San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club.
The conrmittee in charge of tl're arrangements included: XIearl Baker, chairman; "Chuck" Hampshire, Americar.r Products Inc.; Nihl Hamilton, Lru.nbermen's Service Bureau; Carl Gar-otto, American Products Inc., and Cliff Roberts, Benson Ltrmber Co.
Wllliam C. Caskey
William C. Caskel', general strperintendent of the Sulr Lumber Company at lleverlr. Hills for the last tu,enty years, passed arvay at his home ir-r Santa Monica on Junc 15 follorving a heart attack. I{e u'as 63 years of age.
Born in Philadelphia, l're lived in Sorrthern California most of his life. I,[e 'rvas u'idely known in lumber circles and rvas held in very high estec'rn by the members of thc industry.
He is surr.ivecl by his u'iclou', a son rl-ho is irr the Service, and a daughter.
Funeral services rvere held at Santa Monica, Monday afternoon, June 19. The Sun I-umber Company closed for the afternoon so that the emDloves ,could attend the services.
Mrs. Olg. B. Brush
Mrs. Olga B. Brush, u-ife of E,dmund S. Brush, sales manager of Loop Lumber Company, San Francisco, passed away in San Francisco on June 20. Besides her husband she is survived by tu'o sons, Lieutenant Frank E. .Brush, U. S. Arrny, and Edouard S. Brush, U. S. Iingineers, and a brother, F. L. Boulogne.
Distributors ol Pacific Coast Forest Products tOs INGELES Douglcs Fir POBTLAND
7l' w'oolv'e#r Ptvd' Hemlock t"t l"lt# l;l*o Ross C. Isshley Cedcs Rich G. Robbins
L. t. CARR & CO.
Ca/ifionia Suglc ond Potrdeturr Pine
Sclee Agente For
SACRAMENTO BOX & LUMBER CO. Mills At Woodleaf, Calil.
P. O. Bor 1282 W. D. Duaaing Tolctypr 3e.13 138 Chcrmber of Coun-rco Eldg.
IyH||I,N$AI,T BUII,DIilfi $UPP[Y, IilC.
Wholescrle Distributors oI Lumber cnd itg Produc.ts in Ccrlocd Qucnrtities
Wcnehous..Di,.rib.,uoo ol Wholesale Building Supplies
Ior the Decler Trcrde
Telepbone ' ,60z g:l'd gL
IEnplebcn 696{-5-6 Ocr}lo& CallL