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Lewis A. Godard, Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently visited Portland on business. He spent the rveek-end with his parents at Kelso, Wash., and returned to San Francisco by air June 12.

llay Klass, By-Pr,oducts Division, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, is spending 30 days at the company's Chicago office. He expects to be back about July 10.

F. "Tommy" Tomlinson, salesman for Wholesale Lumber Distributors, Inc., Oakland, had his leg broken in an automobile accident N{ay 31, when another car collided with the car in which he was riding. He is convalescing in Providence Hospital, Oakland.

Leroy Pitcher, Associated I-umber geles, recently visited San Francisco

Paul Orban, Orban Lumber Co., Francisco June 12 on his rvay back the Pacific Northwest.

E. L. Payne, Sierra Wood recent visitor to Portland and business.

H. H. Barg, Barg Lumber

June 27 from a business trip

Company, Los Anand the Northr,vest.

Pasadena, r'r'as in San from a business trip tcr

Products. Pasadena. was a other Northwest points on

Co., San Francisco, to Los Angeles.

Ralph P. Hill, son of Al P. Hill of Hill Lumber & Hardware Co., Albany, Calif., rl,as recently horne on leave after spending 10 months at sea as a Cadet in the U. S. Maritime Service. He is norv at a Maritime Cadet School in New Tersey.

Carl R. Moore, president of Cape Arago Lumber Co., Empire, Ore., has returned to Oregon from visiting the San Francisco Bay district. While there he attended the HooHoo Concatenation of the Oakland district. Iune 16.

Master Sgt. Sam Garrison, U. S. Engineers, who rvas formerly associated with his father, Charles Garrison, in the Tvvo Rock Commercial Co., Two Rock, Calif., was recently home on furlough. He returned to a camp in Virginia for assignment to Officers Candidate School.

Ed Heiberger, formerly rvith Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, and now a Sergeant in the Headquarters Company, 38th Infantry Division, is stationed in the Hawaiian Islands.

Johnson, Army Air Force, stationed in San Francisco on week-end leave the son of Otis R. Johnson, president Co. returned lValter Koll, Koll returned from a trip

J. E. (Eddie) I'eggs, San Francisco rl,holesale lumberman, and Howard W. Irrvin of Irrt'in & Lyons, lumber manufacturers, North Bend, Ore., returned June 19 from a lZ-day trip to Washington, D.C. on business connected with shipping.

Planing Mill Ltd., Los Angeles, has to Fort Bragg, Calif. was a

Captain Russell R at Los Angeles, was two weeks ago. He is of the Union Lumber

J. E. Cool, saies manager, Fir lumber division, Smith Wood-Products, Inc., Portland, and Mrs. Cool came to San Frar.rcisco last rveek to visit their son, Donald J. Cool, rvho had just arrived alter 2f years' service in the South Pacific.

Clint Laughlin, E. J. Stanton in San Francisco recently on a E. Bregm'an, Cal-West trip to the Northrvest to rvest Lumber Mill Inc., at

& Son, Los Angeles, business trip.

Fred Burgers, salesman for Union Lumber Co., Sau Francisco, has returnecl frorl two rveeks' vacation.

Lumber Corp., Garvey, made a visit his sarvmill operations, OrMyrtle Creek, Ore.

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