7 minute read
On This, Our Fifteenth Birthday We regret to announce that Something New Has Been Deducted
You folks, no doubt, remember when we announced another quality feature added to Sampson Screens-BRASS TACKS. \Ve were mighty proud of this extra value, eliminating rust sPots' loose mouldings and baggy wire. However, copper and brass have gone to va1-3lsng with a lot of our employes-so, for the duration, we will have to use steel nails. There is a lot of value left in Sampson plsdusls-you can still sell them with confidence.
is the most criticql oI all war materials.
This fcct explcins in c Iew words the continued pressure on the mills lor grecter production lor wcrr needs.
Order L-ggs
(Continued from Page 6) extencling these certificates as explained in paragraph (o) (1) below.
All Other Consumers
(m) Who "all other consumers" are. "All other consumers" arc indusiriai plants and busiuess enterprises and other persons rvhcr need lumber for a purpose for which no rating has been assigncd. The term also includes industrial plants and business enterlrriscs that have an AA-5 X{RO preference rating (except Class I consumers ).
(n) "All other consumers" may place uncertified and unrated orders. "A1l other consumers" may place uncertiired and urrrated orders with lumber distributors and may acceprt clcliveries of lunrbcr' to the extent that distributors are permitted by directions to this order to supply lurnber for their needs. An uncertified and ltttratcd order is one whicli'bcars neilher a certificate nor a rating. Distributors
(o) How distributors get their lumber. -l'he follorving lrrovisions will govern thc nanner in which lurnber clistributors will get their lumber.
(1) Extension of customers' certified orders. Evcry clistributor may extend certified orders which hc has accepted and rcceive an amount of lumbcr from a .sawrnill or from anothcr distributor which is not more than the total acculnulated certified orrlers accepted (eitlier on past or future orders Ior tlcliverl-). There is no tinre limit rvithin which orders must be extendetl. A distributor rnay not extend the same certificcl order more than once. Certified orclcrs accepted by a distributor nust be kept in the distributor's liles, and the accumulated certilicates may be extended by using thc clistributor's certification provided for in paragraph (q) (3) of this order. 'Ihese provisions apply to both the certificates sholvn in paragraphs (c1; (1) an<t (<r) (2) below and to any certificate the War Food Administration says a farmer rnust use to get lurnltcr under this ordcr.
(2) War Production Board may authorize distributors to place certified but unrated orders. Any lumber clistributor n'ho lvas cngaged in tl.re business of selling lumber at wholesale or retail prior to N{a1- 1, 1941 and who hacl a lumber inventory at tliat date, ma1apply to the War Production Board on liorm WI'B-3813 for authorit-r. to place certified but uulated or<lers with salr.mills or otlter clistributors. Lumber tlistributors authorizecl on Form WI'}II-3813 to rcccive lumber under this paragraph rIla\i use the cettificatior-r provided for in paragraph (q) (4) of this order.
(3) Directions may also permit distributors to receive lumber. Lumber distributors rnay be authorized b1' directions issuecl utrder tlris order to receivc additional quantitics of lurnber. Lumber u'hich a distributor receivcs under a direction to this order u'ill bc subject to the provisions of tl"ris order atitl such conditions:ts ntal'be iniposed by the directions.
(p) Deliveries that distributors may make. IJnless a direction or directive issued under this order says a distributor nray cleliver lumber to a custorner or to another <listributor itr sornc other wa1', cleliveries rray be rnadc only on thc follou'ing t1'pcs of or<lcrs:
(1) Deliveries on certified and rated orders. Distrilrutors n'ray deliver lumbcr on the basis of a custorner's or another distlibutor's rated order which bears eitl.rer onc of the certilications provided for in lraragraphs (q) (1) and (<r) (3) of this ordcr or a certification in thc form prescribed by the War Food Athninistration.
(2) Deliveries on certified but unrated orders. Distributors ma1' delivcr lurnbcr on the basis of cither a custonrcr's or clistributor's unrated ortler if it bears one of the certilications providecl for in paragraphs (ci Q) and (q) (,1) of this order-
(3) Distributors who are also consumers. If a clistributor rvants to use lumber from his own <listributor stocli. he tnar- do so onlv by follovuing the same procedure he would follow in delivering lurnber to another consumer. If, as a consumer, he has the right to place a certifie d ordcr with someone e lse, he may treat the transfer from his clistributor stock as a delivery on a certilied order, but he must keep a record of it in his files and endorse the appropriatc certificate on the record.
Certification of Orders
(q) General provisions. Unless a directive or a direction issued by the War I'roduction Board under this order says that it may be done in some other way, an order for lumber may only be certified by endorsing or attaching one of the following forms of certificates on thc purchase order, sales ticket, or other order calling for the delivery of lumber. Certificates must be signed manually or as explained in Priorities Regulation No. 7. Howcver, the standard form oi certificate described in that regulation may not be used in place of the certificates required by this order. Orders placed verbally must be confirmed in'rrnediately and the confirmation must bear the appropriate certification. Orders placed by telegraph must bear the appropriate certification in full or be confirmed by letter 'bearing the certification in full. Lumber suppliers who receive certifications rnust keep them ir.r their files for inspection by government officials.
An1' consumer who may place a certified (rated or unrated) order for lumber required for construction or lor maintenance and repair and who wishes to have the construction work done and the material furnishecl by another person may authorize such other person to sign the certification as his duly authorized official.
(1) Certificate that must be used by Class I and Class II consumers on rated orders. Class I and Class II consumers must enclorse the following ccrtificate on all their rated orders calling for the deliverl' or transfer of lumber: l-he undersignecl consumer certifies to the supplier and to the War Production Boarcl that this lumber, together with all other lumber for which he has recluested delivery, <loes not exceed the amount he has been authorized by the War Productibn Boarcl to receive under Order L-335, with the provisions of which he is familiar, and that the use of any rating shovvn on this order is authorized. Date...
Duly authorized offrcial
(2) Certificates that must be used by Class I consumers on their unrated orders. Class I consumers who place certified but unrated orders calling for the delivery of lumber must use the following form of certification:
The undersigned certifies to the supplier antl to the War Production Iloarcl that he is a Class I consumer and that this lumber, together rvith al1 other lumber for which he has requested delivery vqithin the quarter in whicli delivery of this lumber is requested, does not exceed the amount he has been authorized by the War Production Board to receive uncler Order L-335, with the provisions of u'hich he is familiar and that this orcler is unratecl.
Duly authorizecl offrcial
(3) Certificate that must be used by distributors in extending customers' certified orders. When extending customers' certified orrlers including certified orders that a distributor may receive from another distributor the followine certification must bi used.
'I-he undersignecl certifies that this lurrrber, together with all other lunrber u-hich he has ordered on the extension of his customers' certifiecl orders, does not exceed the anlount of unexten<led certified orrlers which he has in his file, and that, to the best oI his knowlcdgc and belief, he is authorizecl to place this order as a "certilied order" undcr Order L-335, ancl to usc anv prefercnce rating shorvn on this order.
(4) Certificate that must be used by distributors to get lumber authorized on Form WPB-38f3 or by a direction. \\'lrcn a tlistrilrutor places certificrl orclcrs to gct lunrlrcr authorizctl lr-t thc War Procluction Boartl on F orru \\rPI:i-3813 :rs cxplainecl in paragrap)r
(o) (2) alror-e or to get lunll)cr lvhich hc is:rutirorizcrl to rcceivc uncler :r direction lrc nrust use thc follou.ing ccrtilication:
The r.rrrrlcrsignccl ccrtilies to tJrc supl.rlicr anrl tr; tbt \\:ar Production I:|oard that hc has bccn authorizerl to receivc this lurnbcr. 'f lte amorrut for u'1.rich lre is requcsting tleliver,r' on this or'<ler togctlrcr rr'ith all other orrlcrs bcaring tlris forrrr oI certificatc rloes not excccd tlrc altorrnt he is arrthorized to r.eccir.t: b1'tl.re usc of this forrrr of certillcatc. 'l'his orrlcr i.s not r:rtt'rl. Date.
The distrilrutor n.lust insert in thc spacc Forrn WPIJ-3813": (ii) "l;1, Direction \\II'B-381.i anrl b1. Dircction l)i stributor oitr" oirirr"rir"a .ni..i;"t provirlecl eitlrcr' ( i) "on .."; or (iii) "on Fornr
Restrictions on the Use of Ratings
(r) General. 'I'his or<ler rloes not assign aul prtfcreucc r:rlirrgs. ]I a consumcr has a ratir)S to get protlrrction rrr:Ltcri:rls ftrr a 1rro, <luct, he ntav continue tri rrse that r;Lting to get ltnnirer to lrr: incorporated in thc product. If a conslllllcr has a rating- (exccl)t :Lll AA-5 I'tRO) 1o gct lunrlrr:r for nrailterrance, rcp:rir, rir opcr:rting supyrlics (inclurlirrg I{R() slrippir.rg nr:rterial or durrnage), Irc c:ur also continuc to use that rating to get lunrber for snch purl)oscs. A cousutner rvho tloes not lravc a rating lrut nccds ()llc to gct lrrntlrernra)'gct it in tlrc s:rrtrc w:t,\'as:r rating lor aul otltcr rl]atcriai (cxccpt in thc case o{ iarrrrcrs lvlro get a l'atinil thror-relr tlrc \[21 1,'u,,,1 Achninistration). I'crsons u'ho h:rcl a r:rting to get lurulrcr nurlcr Order XtI-208 tna,\'not usc those ratings:rs that orrlcr has lrccrr revoke<l as of August 1, 19+1. Ur.rder tlris orrlcr an\'pcrsorr cntitlcrl to use a prefcrencc rating to sct lnmbef rnrrst also us('thr certifir:;L- tion dcscribecl in p:rragral;h (<f) (1), as thc prcferencc r:rting alone is not suflicicnt. 'l'he use of any rating assiglrc(1 1r1- a ccrtilrcatc, pre[erence rating ordcr, Or regulatiolr is subject to anr- rcstr.ictions containecl in the instrunrcnt assigning it. Also, l)crsolts usirrg ratings to get lr.rrnlrer rtrust corlplr-n'ith tlre gener;rJ aplrlicablc rcstrictioirs