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'What This Country Needs' Brings More Suggestions
We suggested in these columns that "What this country needs is more paint on the old places and less paint on the young faces."
Right quickly a reader wrote us anonymously:
"\lVhat this country needs is more strawberries 'in the restaurant shortcake."
Now comes a letter from H. J. Bratlie, an old friend of ours at Ridgefield, Washingtor5 with the following:
"Brother, what this country needs would make a list so lo,ng that if set in nonpareil type and laid end to end it would reach from here to Hogan's butcher shoi. I list a few and leave the rest to that c.llear-thinking, upright American citizen and rotten golfer, Peter B. Kyne:
What This Country Needs
This country needs more men and wonren who dont give a.damn about how big and shiny and expensive their neighbor's new automobile is.
A lot rnore men and three or four more women who witl quit tryrng to give the impression that they have a lot of money by spending tfiree or four times more than they can afford.
A wtrolc lot of manufacturers who won't get cocky on a high market or scared to pifrlication on a low orrc.
Not so goldarned many royal roads to success.
Less cornpromising.
Less bunk.
More work.
A1l right, Mr. Kyne, it's now up to you. Please carry on.
Yours truly, H. J. BRATLIE.
Peter B. Kyne or any other reader is now invited to tell us-"\,i/hat This Country Needs."
Howell Baker On Vacation Trip
Mr. Howell Baker, of the California Panel & Veneg/ Company, Los Angeles is spending a two-weeks' lacati6h at Pilecrest.
Mr. B'aker is accomPanied b)' his famill. I'
New Venture At Long Beach Ii
Mt. J. L. Green, formerly ma!?ggr for the Hammond Lumbei Comp*ny, and Mr. Bert Wilberg, formbrly in the lumber business in Idaho, have opened the Wilbgrg-Green Company in Long Beach. i
Thev will retail hardwood flooring, disappearing beds, etc. \
Bad Lumber Fire At San Bernardino
The Santa Fe Railroad Companys lumber storage yards were burned at 'San Bernardiro on June 30th, 'causing a loss of many t'housands of dollars, and threatening. for a u{,nile to wipe out a considerable portion of the residence district near there.