1 minute read
At a recent meeting of the Salesmanagers Association of Los Angeles, the f ollowing song zlros tried for the first tiwe. This uns cotnposed .by a salesman employed by o large candy manufacturing c-ompany ln los Angeles. The author, zuhen preienting it to hll boss, soil, "Read this three times, and then thiih about-it aanhile." We thinh it's good.
(To the Tune of "Auld Lang Syne")
A smile is quite a funny thing It wrinkles up your face, And when it's gone you never find It's secret hiding place.
But far more wonderful it is To see what smiles can 'do, You smile at one, he smiles at you And so one smile makes two.
He smiles at some one, since you smiled And then that one smiles too, And he sends smiles around the world 'Til they come back to you.
And since a smile can do great good By cheering hearts of care, Let's smile and smile and not forget That smiles go everywhere.
Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag
At the July 5th, meeting of the Los Angeles, Hoo-Hoo Club, Mr. E. D. Tennant, manager of the Los Angeles District Lumbermens' Club, offered a resolutior that Los Angeles go on record ,as being in favor of the appointment of Mr. C. D. LeMasters of Fresno, as Snark of the Universe. Mr. Isherwood, who was at this meeting was requested to convey this infornration to the Annual which will be held at New Orleans, September 9th, of this year. The motion was carried unanimously. It is without doubt a wise choice. Mr. LeMasters has worked hard as Senior HooHoo of the order, and has shown himself to be well capable of leading an order that is growing and gaining as HooHoo is doing. / rsnunwooD ENTERTATNED
L / Mr. Henry R. Is\erwood, secretary treasurer of Hoo f/ Hoo, was enterlained at funcheon by the Orange County District qfficials, at St.,Anns.Inn, Santa Ana,'June 7th. Mr. Isherwood was unable to spend much time ln this district, making a sh,ort stop on his way to San Diego to attend the July 7th, evening meeting there.
Los Angeles Concat Postponed
Vicegerant Snark Curtis Williams of the Los Angeles district announces that it is necessary to set a later date