5 minute read
of the Yards
Planer and the Roar of the Rip Saw.
Retail Dnalers Get Standardization Dunning Looks Over The Redwood Marquestionnaire Ket In The South
Standardization questio:rnaires, issued by the National W. D. Dunning, s,ales manager of the Little River RedRetail Lum,ber Deaiers' Association, have 6een forwarded wood Lumber Cimpany, San-Francisco, has returned to to all California retailers by the office of the California Re- the Bay after spending a week in Los Angeles and vicinity tail Lumbermens' Association. The questionnaire gives calling on the trade and looking over the redwood market the retailers an opportunity to have a voice in deciding: oonditions. He reports that their mill is working to full howi thick and wide standard and surfaced boards and capacity an,d that they are finding the demand for redwood dimension shall be made; the unit of measurement to be veiv satisfactory. used in the future for lumlber; and to give their recom- fruratl opar-pns cuBsts or. LUMBER sALEs- mendations as to including short lengths andr odd lengths / in the standard grading'ruies. The C"alifornia Retail Lirm- /
MEN'S CLUB bermen's Associition a"re.iequesti"g aft California Retailers ' The retail lumber dealers of San Francisco -were gu-ests to give th. que.tiottnairg tiheir "a"refut consideration and of the Lumber Salesrnen's Club of Sari Francisco at their proirpt actiori, "" tft"t -Clfif"i"i" *ly Lrrr" r voice in the regular weekly_luncheon held at the Palace Hotel on Moniesulfs that will be s;L;il\ia tofut.-St""dardization Com= day June 25. - President Richard C' Jo-nes presided.--Short mittee, talks on lumber conditions were made by [R.- A. Hiscox, Ben Reed, and S. Steinberg. The dealers and sale mana'
WALTER XeLf,V frNS COLF TROPHY gers who were guests of tfre club includ"a U. A. Harris;Walter Kelly, sales manager of Chas. R. McCormick & fr. e. I{it.o*; S. Steinrberg; Ben Reed; Herman Freese i Co., San Francisco, was t\eiwinner of a beautiful silver C. S. Frantz, and. C. W. T.orvle. The next regular meeting loving 9up ttl a golf tournarire.[t of the co_rypany emplollees of the clu,b will be held on July 17. of the San Francisco office, hild at the Lincoln Golf Club course on Jaly 7. The cup was donated .Uy Ctrarii; Wii-
Fred Connor Visits Bay District
son, who ii cbnnected with the San Francisco office, And Fred Connor, of the Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacrawho is one of the great lumber glglf enthusiasts of the Bay mento, was a recent San Francisco visitor, ryler9 he spert District. Charlie Tiad the loweEt,,gross score of the daf, a few days calling on the lumber trade and looking over with John Conlon ur *nn.t-up. ',- the lumber conditi,ons in the Bay District.
Hardwoods oF Quality AND Variety
We can ship you straight or mixed cars of the materials licted here. You can put many necessitieg in a single car. We manufachrre all this stoctrr ourselves. You know the quality of Arkansat hardwoods. Prices or information gladly furnished.
Following an attempt by the railroads serving the San Francisco Bay to amend the existing proportional rates to eastern cities on lumber received at the Bay by stearner from Northern ports, the Interstate Commerce Commission in its findings, of April 3oth, has ruled that the proportional rates now applying from ten ports in Northern California, shall be extended to include shipments received at San Francisco from any Northern California port.
In the Tariff of May IO, 1922, it was ruled that but ten points in Northern California .should be included in these nates, namely: Mendocino, Hardy, Albion, Elk, Point Arena, Rockport, Caspar, Fort Bragg, Greenwood and Gualala.
In the future it will not be necessary for any ocean carrier to file its tariff schedule with the Commlission. in order to get the benefits of these rates.
Protests were filed by the Hammond Lumber Company, the Pacific Lumber Comipany and others, alleging that the all rail rate lrom Humboldt and Fort Bragg were in exce,ss of the ,porportional rates from the Bay. The Hammond Lumby'r Company also claimed that the existing proportional/ rate from San Pedro was too high and should be reduJed.

Irl its rulings the Commission holds that the present rail raty's from the above-mentioned points are not too high, an{ they sustained the rail carriers petition to include all Nfrthern California ports in the proportional rates.
Modesto Has New Yard
John Ross, prominent and well known retail lumberman, is putting in a new yard at Modesto. The yard u/ill' be known as the Ross Lumber Company.
From the House of Quick Shipments
ts Your Flooring made on the Lateat Trpe of Flooring Machinery?
Superior Oak Flooring is the best oak flooring in the world because it is milled on the latest type of disc-head milling machinery. That is why Superior Brand is exactly what its name implies-SUPERIOR in €very way. For example, merely compare the finish of Superior Brand with the average oak finish. You will find that because the machinery wc use produces a finish unequatled by any other process of flooring manufacturer, kni.fe marks are entirely eliminated from Superior Brand, and scraping and sanding are reduced to the very minimum. In all other respects, atso, you will find Superior Brand to measure up to every quality test. If you are not now a Superior Dealer, write us to show you why it will pay you to become onc.
Duttle On Eastern Trip
F. G. Duttle, president of the S erling Lumber Company, San Francisco, has left for Dubuque, Iowa,-on-a Lusiness trip. He also plans to spend some time--visiti-ngin Wisconsin ind other rniddle weltern states. He will be gone about three weeks.
Homer Maris Sojourning In Feather River Canyon
Homer Maris, prominent San Francisco hardwgod wholesaler, is on a- two-weeks' vacation in the Feather River Canyon country. Homer anticipated some good fishing in ths Feather Rivet, and late reports received at his ofr"",. indicate that he is making some successful catches. He expects to return to San Frincisco around, the middle of the month.
San Pedro Again Breaks All Shipping Records
The shipping records at San Pedro show totals for lumber reieipti far in advance of any previous rnonth of record.
During June the enormous total of 177 boats docked at this p-ort, carrying 191,465,000 feet of fir ard redwood. bi tttis toial,"143 boats carried fir and 34 were redwood cargoes.
Other inteiesting figures in this report show that the first six months of. 1923 have gone about fifty percent over the receipts for a like perigd in 1922. -

From January lst 1923 to July 1,st fp3 cars'oes arrived at San Pedro with a total of 1,032,035,000 feet of lumber, compared to 66-4 vessels. carryrlg 70O,57O,000 feet, during ihe same six months in 1922'
Hawaiian Mahogany offers distinctiae har&pood uooduorh at a medium price
for homec, storeq ctore windows, veetib{les and office buildings.
Koa is a high class hardwood, unusually well frgured. When finished natural it shows exquisite hirih lights and shadows, or it can be stained as Mahogdny often is. Koa runs clear and 6ne widths.
More Distinctioe Than Gum
Koa can be finished in neutral toneg likc Gum. It has, howcvjer, a more digtinctive and aris-tocratic appcarance th"r. gu-. and it is a far more durable wood.
We llrloe alinc str.h ol fine ibg Koa on hand rcadg Ior immcdtae dell*rg. Thts tmd ls tmrthg of gour at*ntlon.
Hardwood Flooring
In Maple, Beech, Birch and Oak is Labor Saving
becauee it is thoroughly seasoned, scientifically Kiln Dried, and manufactured as nearly perfect as modern machinery and human endeavor will permit.
Sold thrqugh lumber dealerg for the past twenty yearE.
Manufacturcd and Guarantced by
"The Homc of SLillcd llloodworlcrr"