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than July 2lst., for dhe concatenation to be held at Mr. Whitings ranch. 'Ihe exact date, probably in August, will be announced by mail in a shord time.
Fred Hamilton Very Chesty Over Arrival
Mr. Fred C. Hamiltorfi:8r" Manager of the Benson Lumber 99-pitty at San Diego is celi6rating the arrival, on Jull 6th, of ar eight pound baby'boy.
Fred announces to the-wide woriit that he is the finest \id y-.t, that he and his mother are'getting along fine, and that in a few years Hoo Hoo will w:ithouf doubl have another Snark by the name of Haruilton.
Isherwood Entertained At Los Angeles Luncheon
Mr. Henry R. Isherwood, secretary treasurer of HooHoo, was ? guest of the Los Angeles Ctut at the regular Thursday luncheon, on July fth. Mr. Isherwood ariived in Los Angeles on the Fourt{, going there frorn, San Francisco where he spent a few days on his western trip. He gave the .members and guests a very splendid addrtss on the- aims and progress in flre order and also gave some highly pertinent and interest facts and figures in connection with conditions in the lutnber industry-over the country. From Los Angeles, Mr. trsherwood went to San Diego io attend a dinner and smoker, on the evening df Saturday, Iulv 7th.