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Newsy News t",T"tl"gver
Floyd Elliott Visiting Lake Tahoe
- Floyd Elliott, of Charles R. McCormick & Co., San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Elliott and children, are on a two-weeks' trip to I-,ake Tahoe. Floyd expects to do a Iot of fishing on his vacation and will no doubt have a lot o-f Sogd stories to relate on his return. They are making the trip by automobile.
Davis Calls On Northern California Trade
_ A. 1. Davis, manager of the Eagle Pine Co., of Gfants Pass, Or-egon, spent several days tliis.month cailing on the lumber 'dealers in the Sacramento Valley and San"Joaquin Valley territory. He was accompanied by G. R. Bieecker, of San Francisco, California representative of the Eagle Lumber Co., of Portland.
Louisiana Lumberman Dies At Los Angeles
Mr. J. S. Crowell, general manager of the Spencer Lumber 9ompany at Long Leaf., La., passed away at the home of his parents in Los Angeles, on July lst.
Mr. Crowell was born in Norwalli, his familv havins been old residents of that city before moving to-Los, An"geles. The deceased went to Louisiana a goo-d many years ago, and his rise in the lumber business in that stite was rapid. He had many friends and acquaintances both in the south and in California.
Mr. Wilfred^Cooper, of the Wilfred Cooper Lumber Crom- p?ll 1t l.,os Argeles, was surprised last- week bv a visit qf his brother, Mt. & H. Cooper of Baltimore. tri" n- ii. C-ooper.is Vice,President of the Export TransporiatdGr: of Baltimore. Md.
Los Angeles Bank Displays Oldest Shingles
Mr. A. O. Nelson,,Los Angeles manager for the Santa Fe Lumber Company of San Fran:cisco] t as arraneed " v-ery attractive window display 9f the prize winning w;;aen shingles in the recent contest, in one-of tfre main"wi'n-d-owi of the Guarantee Branch of the Security Trust t Savinss Bank, at Los..A-ngele,s.- The display ;. jttt""ti"S-**'itii] terest, and will be ort display for some time. r With three of the ol,dest shingles tagged with a dcscri6 tive card of their history, together widh a copv of ttrc-rl. ggg_oJ_!!e contest frofil THE CALIFoRNte ruMgeR MERCHANT, many peoplq are stopping to inspecf th; display.
Bill Russell, of Hill & Morton Lumher Co., San Francisco, is spending r fg.y day.s callin_g on the ritail dealers and l,ookirig over-condrtions in the Sacramento Vallev and i San Joaquin Valley districts. While in the Vaftey ter'ritor] he will make his headquarters at Sacramento.
Accurate Matching Means Money To You
You can't fit poorly side and end matched flooring with a crowbar, no matter how much you force it.
The importance of perfectly matched- flooring is recosnized in Bruce manufacture. That's why tests are irade, right at the machine, by expert workmen every few minutes-without exaggeration from twelve to twenty times every working hour.
It costs money to make perfect flooring, but your customers are saved money when they lay it, and your reputation for handling only the best oak flooring is worth money to you.
Your customers, floor-layers and contractors, have found by experience that Bruce Oak Flooring "LAYS EASILY."
Frequent inapection ir the recret of accurete Brucc matching.
Our service department witl co-operate' v/ith you in preparing: sales letters and literature, anil ln provialing: cuts, ads, movie slides and other material. Write for special sales. plans.
make a profit on and satisfy their customerg with

About fifty of the faithful gathered around the dinner table-at the_Maryland Hotel, San Diego, Saturday July 7th, at a dinrer held in honor of the visit oJ IVIr. Henry it. isherwood.
Vicegerant Snark, Fred C. Hamilton presided at the meeting, and after a splendid dinner made a short talk on the work that was being done. in this, one of the most progres.sive districts in the country.
Mr. Hamilton introduced several guests, Mr. E. D. Tennant of Los Argeles made a short talk, and H. G. Larrick, Scrivenotor of the Orange County District resp.onded with some timely remarks on Hoo Hoo.

Mr. Isherwood was introduced to the boys, and he gave them a wonderful oration on what had :been, donelnd what they could expect from the order, this year. He told of the plans at the coming annual at New Orlean,s, and asked that every mar try to arrange to be there.
The San Diego District has not made definite plan,s for their next Concat, this will no doubt be announ'ced within a very short time.