1 minute read
than the marhet demand-for the product uill then the loss must be sustained by the mill. in these highly competitioe times a busin6ss colnnot eoen exil/ for an-y lengtlr of time uith poor equipment aril excessiue oaerhead cosf.
Sound, business and production losses Dry Kitns ooercome producfion losses rh neoer uill balance. ff is contrary t9- 4ryit S lurnber and,'help greatly ti ieip tnodern tnethods of rnanufacture. If &usrhZss in a prosperous-sfafe-. Mooie yout rnet-hod of secsoning -lumber- doeg Dry Kiln Cor:pany places at your cor/tnot-enable yoy to hsep oaerhead reduced, tngnd the seriicei 6t a pract{cal stafr of or if your product does not conte through hiln builders uho will dernoietrate to you how the hiln without degrade then you ire o;]7head cosf can be hept- in controf_and reirutitirys seoere_comfefition loss of sales. Here is the solution.