2 minute read
HnPOrnT0 COMPANY Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturerr of C,alifornia White and Suglr Pine Lumber Milk at Suanville and Hilt' Ca|. I5O,O0O,O0O Feet Annull Cepacity B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Sales Dept. First National Bank Bldg. - San Franeirco
ALL of the PsnRrrss casework shown in this picture was sold by a lumber dealer who handles the Pnrnnss line in his city. Some dealers sell $zy,ooo worth or more each year.
Wouldn't you like to have the Pnnnr.rss line for your city? More than 8o di{ferent casework units. Every new home owner wants them. 'W rite for ry26 Caulog ond infmmation
Marking Timber
The principles of timber marking, as followed by the forest rang'ers in our National Forests, are outlined in a tr.vo-reel film, "Marking Timber," just released by the United States Department of Agriculture. Photography for this picture was made in the beautiful Black Hills, in u'estern South Dakota, and while the marking shown is confined to the western yellow pine of that region, the methods illustrated are applicable in large measure to forests of other types.
The picture portrays tle progress of a rang'er through a portion of the forest that has been budgeted for sale, and illustrates with detailed scenes the various tyoes of trees to be cut, as well as those which, for various -rl".on., are to be left to perpetuate the forest. Over-mature trees, diseased trees, such as those infected with canker or witch's broom, "spike tops," forked trees, and trees deadened by lightning or girdled by porcupines, are among those marked with the "U. S." blaze. Stress is laid upon the necessity for leaving a healthy, hand-picked stand of young trees to provide foi future cuttings, and enough seed trees to insure reseeding.
Although intended primarily for the use of students of forestry, this film should appeal to all r,vho are interested in forest conservation.
Copies of this picture may be borrowed for short periods, or may be purchased at the laboratory charge. A complete list of the department's films, lvith information on the rnethod of distributing them, is given in Miscellaneous Circular 27-M,which may be obtain;d on application to the Department at Washington, D. C.
Frank Schopflin, vice-president of the Central Coal & Coke Co., recently returned to his headquarters at Kansas City after a visit to the company's big plant at Vernonia, ()regon.
Lawrence H. Chapman, well known Sacramento lumberman and formerly associated with the Sacramento Lumber Co., together with Mrs. Chapman and their two sons, were San Francisco visitors during the past week, coming' over from Mill Valley rvhere they are spending their vacation. Since leaving the lumber l>usiness, Lawrence is now connected with the Chas. S. Mabrey Construction Co. of Sacramento, and states that they have contracts for several large buildings to be constructed in the Sacramento Valley District.
Carl Watts Back On Job Again
_ Carl Watts, representative of the J. E. Higgins Lumber Co. in the Bay District and Sacramento Vallev territory, is back on the territory again after spending his vacation at Pacific Grove and Del Monte. Cail repoits that he had a fine time on his trip and was accompanied by Mrs. Watts.
Elected To Bohemian Club Committee
A. J. Russell, San Francisco wholesaler and manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co.. was recentlv elected a member of the Nominating Committee of the-Bohemian Club of San Francisco. Mr. Russell takes an active interest in Bohemian Club affairs and is identified with many of their Club activities.