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(The Clearing House)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: $2.50 per column inch
Wants Position
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Married man, age 38, with ten years' experience in retail lumber trade as yard man and manager, desires position with some retail lumber firm in California. Would prefer yard in rural community. Address Box 4-174, care California Lumber Merchant. 7-15-I
Doctor recommends competent mill and lumberman move his family to Arizona- Have had good many years' experience managing large business. What have you to offer. Address Box A-175, care California Lumber Merchant. 7-15-1
For Sale
Small retail yard, Southeast Los Angeles suburb, on main boulevard. Southern Pacific siding 100 feet from office. Long lease, low rent. Stock, equipment .and improvements inventory about $40OO.OO. About $2500.00 cash will handle if responsible. Lots of building in vicinity, Walnut Park, Huntington Park, Southgate, etc. Two man yard. Cost of doing business during May less than l2/o. Reason for selling, no money and no credit to handle business. Not asking bonus on business or lease. Want to get out clean, without owing a dollar to my creditors. This is a real opportunity for an experienced man with a few thousand dollars.
For interview address Lumberman,7253 S. Alameda St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone DElaware 0OSZ.- 7-15-r
Yard manager for retail yard in Los Angeles, Must be capable of taking entire charge and exceptionally good salesman, who can build up and hold business against strongest competition. In first letter state full particulars, salary asked and references. Address Box 4-166, care California Lumber Merchant. 6-1-tf
Dry Kilns
For Sale
_ 200 heavy 5 ft. lumber jacks, used for assembling loads-good condition-$2.00 each.
Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills.
Lumberman Wanted
Must have had at least 2 years lumber experience. Must be able to keep books. Must be willing to work in small town. Must have high school education. Write or see Hubbard at Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., 410 San Fernando Road, P. O. Box 155, Los Angeles. 6-t5-2
Retail Lumber Business For Sale
In thriving city,TO miles from San Francisco, lumber and building materials $10,000, machinery and tools $4000.00, no real estate, good lease, doing nice growing business. Will bear investigation. Box 4-172, clo Calif. Lbr. Mer. WANTED
Position by lumber yard bookkeeper and office man. Have ability to estimate and meet the public. Ten years experience. Box A-176, Care California Lumber Merchant. FOR SALE
Suburban lumber yard in the best district in Los Angeles County. An unusual opportunity. Will bear closest investigation. Box A-177, care California Lumber Merchant.
White Pine Box Factory For Sale
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily capacity, located in Northern California, which rve offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upon request. Address Box A-127, care California Lumber Merchant. 2-14-tf.
Moore'r natural draft and mechanical recirculating kilnr of practical and modern typer.
Conplete line of dry kiln equipment, ruch ar truckq lranrtcr carr, recordi"s rnd regulating inrtruments, Iunber liftr and fat and edge lumber rtackerc.