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%ofrng that an arrna. cannot harunAA
LfERE'S the best r r seller on the roofing market today! Architects, engineers and con, tractors have w?rr, ted it for years !
Pioneer Canvas Top Roofing meets all needs for a protectiv€ cov€r, ing that is entirelyweatherproof and unharmed bv the frictional wear of feet and furni, ture. It consists of a layer of Pioneer Super Quality Roofing per. manentlv welded to the best double.ribbed can, vas. It is easily applied ... clean and sanitary. .. can be painted any color ... can be washed with, out injury. and it re. sists the hardest wear.
It is used on sleeping porches, open veranda decks, roof gardens, boat decks, on aisles in theatres, churches and halls and for countless other purposes. Keep your stocks complete be, cause everyone wants it.
Pioneer Paper Compntry, Inc.
Esroblished l88a
Pioneer Manufactures o Complete Line of RooJtngs and Building Papers