2 minute read
Who Pays For Advertising?
"\Mho peyc for advertising?" has ahoyc been a subject of potent interegt to advertisers and adverticing thinkers ad e:rperts.
The subject has been app'roached thousan& of t'-'es frofir thourands of vieqpoints. Some one DOES, of @urse, pay for advertising. Ad. vertising e:rpertr agrec that when advertising is wi""b done it actually MAKES money for the advertiaer. and that therefore it is not the advertiser who actually payr for it.
Then who does?
That question has been interestingly discutsed of late in "hinteret lnkrtt the great advertising weekly, and many of the anawers make very t{roughtful and thought-provoking readmg.
One advertising man who discussed the subject in quite original fashion, takes the stand that the maker or *ller of the conrmodity or commodities which are DISPLACED by the advertised product, does the actual paying, and he gives,several exarnples to prcrre his theory.
One of hie illustrations, in his own wonds, follows:
"A certain rubctitute for lumbcr invades tlrc
General Sales Office
Red Cedar Shingles
Sclrftr Broe. Shtn3lc Co.
Menufecturcd By
Nrdoad Lunbor & Mfs. Co. Joc Crrot Sblaglc co. Rblq Crder Co.
LJldcu Shlaslc Co.
Montorncr WrrL Hoqulen, WrrL. Alotn, WerL Abqdlro, WrrL. Abordrar WerL
'We are in position to furnish your requircments in all kinds of Shingles, either Grccn or Kiln Dric4 for all rail or water shipment, and in order to better serve you havc opened a general sales office in the Finch Building, Aberdeen, Washington.
'We manufacture: 6/2 Extra *A*'s 512 Extra *A*'s Extra Clears
Premium Clears
XXXXX Perfect Clears
Eurekas Perfections Royals and all corresponding second grades
Suitc Zl, Finch Building Abordccn, Warh.
Reprcrcntcd by W. W. WILKINSON l2l4 Inl. Erchenge Bldg. Lor Angclcr market. Much advertising mon€y is spent bringing it to the attentiron oF users,Most certainly this advertising expense is included in the selling cost, no mattlr what proportions sales may reach. Yet the buyer savis by oelecting this substitute. It may even have advantagec over regular hrmber. Away back in the forests there are men who own lumber all ready for the market, or perhaps only trees. Their market is cnt off by this subEtitute. Their income is calt down or stopped altogethen In this instance the men who foot the advertising bill are the men who know this lumber or thl foregts from which the lumber would othenrrise come but for thia eubstitute."
THIS is the very fact that the lumber industry itself, after many years of having the very thing happen that is described by this advertising rnarl, has finally discovered. ThEt is why almost the entire lumber producing industry is now advertising, and getting ready to advertire more.
If I advertise a producf and by so doing take away the market from YOUR product, then YOU pay for MY advertising.
Crnn n eo harc Aaouilnlrrs
81O Loew'r State Bnitding MAia 5620-5llll

Scientific kiln drying preserves within our products naturetl sturdy and beautiful qualities, while
Modern machinery and skilled human effort iurtifies our slogan