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Reap These Bigger PROFITS
On and after April l5th, 1926, all NB Qualitv Hardwood Flooring will be sold
Cash With Order
Prices Subiect to Change Without Notice
This is the first time in the Hardwood Flooring Industry that small purchases of flooring are being sold at car load prices.
A ReaI Chance For You To Saoe and Mahe MoneY Ottice anilYails
6420 South Park Avenue
Phone THornwall llgT ..NB'' MEANS "NONE BETTER''
Million Dollars To Be Spent On California Forest Roads
,. Sqr Francisco, Calif., July 5.-California will receive $_1,089,386 as its share of th; $2,500,000 appropriated by Congress in the department of agriculture'bill,'to be oipended during the fiscal year beginning July 1, in the development, of roads within and immediitely adjoining the national forests, according to district forelter S. g. Sttow of the San Francisco heidquarters, United States forest pervice. Of the amount allotted the state, $691,222 will be 91p^e1d_gd in the construction of major forest highways, and $4O8,164 on minor roads and traili necesr"ry Tor the'pro- tection and development of Federal forest resources. Ten per cent of the revenues from the national forests of the state, or about $100,000 will also be available for expendi- ture on roads and trails of the latter class. The bureau of public roads will supervise the construction on all maior road projects.
JiT*yfea:ny, popular manager of the Fetters Springs
Lumber Co., Fetters Springs, has returned from a pleasant trip to Yosemite where helpent his vacation looking over the maly points of interest in the Valley. .,Jimmy,,"drove up, making the trip in his sporty Buick roadster.
RoY rBAc" fiigTE#tro DESTRoYER
. Roy lback, Milt Valley Lumber Co., Mill Valley, has been assigned to the Destroyer Hazelwood, where lie will spend fifteen days_cruising in Southern waters. Roy is a Lieutenant in the Naval Reserves and during the summer months every year, he has to fill a special ass-ignment with the Navv.
For 18 Year:t
..CHICI(ASAW BRANTY' OAK FLOORING har bcca a dandard of Grade-{uality-Manuf acture
Manufactured By