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Mahogany I Lloors are ot more than ordinary beauty.
-Because we control every operation in the manufacture from standing timber to finished door; all Dura
Doors are uniform in grade and workmanship.
-The utmost care is used in selecting and grading to insure the maintenance of the high standards we have set for these doors-both as to workmanship and.beauty of grain.
-Dura Doors are made in fush, one panel and other designs suited for all openings.
Cadnrallader- 6 ibson Co.
Owners and OPerators of Saw MiIIs and Veneer Plants in Luzon, P. I.
U. S, Heailquarlers, Manufacturtng PIails anil Yartls
3628 Mines Ave. Los Angelec' Calif.
Phone ANgelus 3287