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M. A,DAMS Clrcuhtlon Muagcr

How Lumber Loolcs

June building permits reported by the 88 largest Pacific Coast cities registered gains over May of this year and June of last year, according to the Western Monthly Building Sttrvey prepared by H. Rr. Baker & Co., California Investment banking firm.

Permits from these,cities in June,1937, totaled $21,9n344 compared with $19,945,244 in June, 1936. Permits issued numbered 11,340 this June against lO,@7 the previous June. The in'crease last month totaled 9.8 per cent over the same month last year.

Permits reported by the 25 cities having the largest volume of permits totaled $17,908,551 in June compared with #17,592,1X2 in May and $16,4O9,616 in June, 1936. The increase approximated 9.13 per cent in June over the same month last year and 1.78 per cent over May, 1937.

Los Angeles again led all Pacifi,c Coast cities and alone accounted for more than 25 per cent of all construction in the 88 leading cities of the 11 Western states and British Columbia. San Francis,co was sbcond and was responsible for approximately 10 per ,cent of the total. Van'couver, B. C., was third, Oakland fourth, and other leading cities included in their respe'ctive ranks were Portland, Pasadena, San Diego, Seattle, Long Beach and Inglewood.

The following cities reported gains in June over May and June 1936: Vancouver, B. C., Portland, Seattle, Inglewood, Glendale, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, Bur,bank, Bakersfield, Palo Alto and Boise.

The following cities were added to the group of 25 ranking western ,cities: Albuquerque, Bakersfield, Palo Alto, Stockton, and Boise.

Lumber production at 175 down and operating mills in Oregon and Washington, reporting to the West Coast Lum- bermen's Association for the week ended July 3, dropped 20,000,000 feet as compared with the previous week. Production for the week at these mills toaled 108,1O7,482 feet. New business was 1A,970,387 feet, and shipments were 138,034,856 feet.

Details of orders and shipments were as follows: Orders -Rail,_45,126,464 feet, Domestic Cargo, 39,115,016 feet, Exp9{_q,8?t,lQO fee!, Local, 11,9M,747 feet. Shipments-Rail, !g^,7,Oj,!Qq feet, Domestic Cargo, 63,268,24A- f"eet, Export, 13,158,701 feet, Local 11,9O4,747 feet.

Unfilled orders at these mills stood at 533.106.495 feet.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended Tulv 3, 98 mills reporting, gave new business as 61,832,00O ieei, shipments 59,3O2,W feet, and produ.ction 73,60O,00O feet. Orders were 15.9 per cent belo* production, and 4.2 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 19.4 per cent below production. ;Unfilled orders on hand at the end of the week were 211.854.000 feet.

The California Redwood Association for the week ended June 26, reported production of 13 mills as 10,341,000 feet, shipments 11,278,W feet, and new business 6,070,000 feet. Onders on hand at the end of the week totaled 59.457.W feet'

Lumber cargo receipts at Los Angeles harbor for the qee! ended July 10 totaled 13,812,000 feet, receding from 18,482,000 feet the week before.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, lum,ber cargo arrivals at Los Angeles harbor were 726,994,000 feet against 781,131,000 feet the previous twelve months.

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