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Insulating Tile And Ptank

Rich, Blended Shades of Soft Color

.. . J{etv, Interesting Texture

IPROFIT byleaturing and aelling the NEw Weatherwoodr BLENDTEX- tbe oNLY Inaulatiug Interior Finish keyed to the uew vogue lor ricb, bleaded ghades of integral colora combined with a new and rnore iuterestiug tex' ture. Eaay to handle-packaged aseorted-it se.l/s as if coanGsl ready to uae. Adaptable to newor oldwalls and ceilinge-goes right over old walls. BLENDTEX iE aold tor uge in homee, churches, echoole, auditoriums, thea' tres, reltauraote, atores aad ollices.


1. Blended shadeg oI harmonioue colors combine with a new, intereating te:ture to add charm aud dignityto the iaterior.

2. Improves acoustics and quiete so-u-nd-at the same time inaulates againet heat and cold.

3. Durable-cleanable. Special tougheniug treatment of gurlace iucreaEeg regigtance to wea!-preservea and prolongs the richnesa and freshaegg of colore and textur€.

4. Integral colors go clearthrough the material-not merely a aurlace aPplication.

5. Predecorated surface gavee time and cogt of painting.

6. Adaptability-the wide variety of ahapes and aizee qive-s unlimited ecope to expression oI iadividual tagte in desigu.

7. Quickly, eaaily applied to both new and old wallg and ceilings-goes right over old walls.

8. Economical-a popular'priced material. With aU its advantages, BLENDTEX cogtE no nore thau ordinary ineulating tile and Plank.

Weatherwood BLENDTEX conplements Weatherwood Insulating Plauk, and TiIe in IVoRY liniah, and Weatherwood Hardboard ueed ae wainscoting.

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