1 minute read
O When Title I oI FHA was discontinued last March,'Weyerhaeuser set up Allied Building Credits, Inc., to carry on.
Now 4-SQUARE dealers canhpefr on srzll,ing, repairing and remodeling on the installment plan-collect CASH lor every deal
The Installment Note Purchase Plan of A. B. C. will keep you in the swing oI modernizing prolits. It makes installment selling through you easy for homeowners-helps thern make needed improvements out of income.
This plan, available to 4-SQUARE dealers, is an example oI Weyerhaeuser co-operation. There are other plcns, all profit makers. And 4-Square Lumber is proving its ability to assure sound construction every day! These advantages put the 4-SQUARE Dealer Franchise in a class by itsell
I.et us give you details. Write today.