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Straight or mixed cars of lumber and.plywood products manufactured at one point.
In Los Angeles, L. C. L. Whol.esal.e Warchouse Service
The Red River Lumber
Sales Oftce: 715 Vestera Pacific Bldg" lOJl So. Broadway
\Parehouse: L. C. L. Vholecale, 702 E. Slauson Ave.
Saler O6ce: 315 Monadnoc& Building
Of course ! Because no salesman, however persuasive, can match the selling power of a beautiful Oak Floor itself. In its appeal to the eye and love of home beauty in every man and woman who sees it, a floor like this will sell at least two more and those in turn, still others.
This simple truth telk in a word the fundamental merchandising advantage of NOFMA Oak Floo$ . . . of which the above is an example For NOFMA is to Oak Floors what pedigree is to a thoroughbred. Manufactured to authetrtic standards, guaranteed for grade as Certified by the copyrighted label of the National Oak Flooring Manufacturetst Association attached to the bundles, NOFMA Oak Flooring offers you the most effective medium for vastly increasing your hardwood flooring sales.
There's a NOFMA sdlet represettatiye yithin reach ta5*" o! your telephoae. CaII him todcy or nilte direct toz dBF?
Nlrronar Olr Floonlno
Redwood Split Products Operators
New San Francisco Lumber Concern Adopt fire Control Policy
Following the Redwood lumber industry in undertaking a progressive program of forest fire control in logging operations, the Redwood Split Products Association has adopted a similar policy to apply t'o all lands and operations of its members.
The split products industry is the second largest forest industry in the Redwood region, though it is more widely scattered than the major logging operations of the region. It engages many more individual operators, most of whom employ only a few workers. Unique is the fact that the trees are worked into their final products at the scene of falling, production including cross ties, posts, grape stakes, shakes and miscellaneous items.
"Split products operators are determined to cooperate in improving methods of cutting and slash disposal," declared Guy F. Cloney of Myers, president of the association. "While we have never been clear loggers, always leaving seed trees, we can do better work in leaving the region in better condition for forest regrowth."
The split products operators' fire policy, adopted at Scotia June 23, follows :
1. Merchantable trees will be felled with a minimum damage to immature trees.
2. Slabs, chips and other refuse will be piled clear of immature trees.
3. Slash and splitting refuse will be burned only after the first soaking fall rains or before the following May 15. No burning will be undertaken between May 15 and the fall rains unless it is deemed safe by state forestry officials and only then by special permit granted by the state forest ranger.
4. Slash and refuse fires will be kept small and under control. Upper levels on sloping ground will be burned first and no lower levels will be burned until the upper areas are burned off. Fire damage to immature trees will be avoided.
5. Each operator will maintain suitable fire-fighting tools.
6. No fire will be left unattended until extinguished.
7. Each member operator will instruct his men to be careful with fires at all times and to report fires immediatelv.
B. W. Bookstaver and J. S. Moore have organized the Bookstaver-Moore Lumber Company to handle the sales in California of Moore Mill & Lumber Company, of Bandon, Ore., manufacturers of Douglas Fir, Spruce and Port Orford Cedar, and to conduct a general wholesale lumber and piling business.
In conjunction with Bookstaver-l\foore Lumber Company, Carl R. Moore, secretary of Moore Mill & Lumber Company, will continue to handle the sale of the company's products in the East Bay area.
Offices of Bookstaver-Moore Lumber Company are in the lJnderwood Building, 525 Market Street, San Francisco. Telephone number is EXbrook 4745.
Mr. Bookstaver is well known to the trade having started in the lumber business in San Francisco in 1911, leaving in 1915 for Southern California, rvhere he engaged in the wholesale business until 1933. He then returned to San Francisco and was in the wholesale lumber business up to the time of the formation of the new company.
Mr. Moore is the owner of the Moore Steamship Company, which operates the steamers Bandon, Alvarado and Florence Olson coastwise, carrying the products of the Moore mill and others.
San Francisco Agents For Buckle Proof Lath
C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation has installed a Buckle Proof wood lath machine at its mill in Toledo, Ore., which has a capacity of two million lath a month. The Buckle Proof Lath Co. of Los Angeles has appointed them as their agents in the San Francisco market.
Call On Sawmills
Seth L. Butler of San Francisco and Ralph P. Duncan, Merced, Northern California sales representatives of Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, Ore., recently returned from a tw,o weeks' business trip to the firm's home office and mill connections.
Planing Mill Burned
The planing mill of Moore & Garlick, Sacramento, was destroyed by fire July 6. Homestead Lumber Company, which adjoins the Moore & Garlick plant, lost 75,000 feet of lurnber in the fire.