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This Truck Not as Big as it Lookt

The Ford V-B truck with load shown above appears to be almost as long as the railroad boxcar in the background. This is due to the angle from which the photograph was taken and not the climate of California where the unit is in service, as intimated by the photographer. Actually, the outfit consists of a standard 157-inch chassis with special body for hauling lum'ber. It is operated by the Van-MatreManning Lumber Company of Downey.

Conservation Groups Oppose Consolidation of Natural Resou rce Agencies

Washington, D. C., June 26.-According to a Forest Conservation summary issued by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, a "strong effort is now being made to interest land owners in the Great Plains Shelter Belt Area in a new plan of operation. The Forest Service may obtain seedlings and plant them and then turn them over to the farmer for all necessary care. Interested farmers will be able to get stock for planting by themselves. It is understood that the Department of Agriculture will ask that the $2,500,000, to be authorized by this Act, shall be included in the next defi,ciency bill."

Hope is expressed by foresters that a "reasonably large part of the appropriation will be devoted to extension forestry in the timbered states."

The same summary remarks that the President's bill based on the Brownlow report for reorganization of the government would withdraw from the President authority to transfer, abolish or establish the forest service, the United States Army Corps of Engineers an'd the independent agencies. It is pointed out, however, that the bill does not ,change the President's authority to withdraw financial support from these agen,cies and therefore render them impotent. The President's opponents, it is alleged. deride this device as an attempt "to fool the opponents of the President's plan."

Indicative of the ntense interest taken in reorganization plans, as far as they relate to the public domain, it is reported that 46 conservation groups have indicated their desire to appear before Congressional Committees in opposition to any legislation which would give the President authority to transfer agen,cies either to or from the Department of Interior and Agriculture.

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