3 minute read
Incorpontcd undcr thc levr ol Crlilorntr
J. C. Dlonm, Pra. ud Tran; Pbil B. Hrt' VlePr*; J. E. llrtla' Scy. Publirhcd th. l3t Dd l5th of ach noth rt |etnn FAY BLDG., LOS ANGELES, CAI- TELEPHONE VArdt {ea6 Entcred u Scod-cls! nttcr Scptrobor 4 lta, rt tL. P6todc. rt Lo Angclen Cdlfornf!, rindar Act of Mrrch ! l!ilf
Subrcription Pricc, $Z.fi) Pcr Ycer Single Copierr 25 ccntr cach.
How Lumber Looks
Northrcrtcrl lO6co rza Nathr-t r! BL Blds. Pctlu* Orrfc
Advcttirin3 Rrtcr oa Applicrtion
Three weekr ago, maybe four, it wa,r not bard to find lumbermen in their officec. Wholelale rnen and mill repre' tentatives had very little to do and they adnitted it" Today. and in our opinion this it a eplendid indication of bctter dm;, you will find thece fellowr working, and working hard.
They are on tte Phone, are eending telegramr, their steoo' graphere are busy with tnrnifests, etc., and almoct without exception you will 6nd an air of busl activity around thesc offices, that is very refrerhing.
No one will doubt or deny that the lumber rnarket in California is in a decidedlv better condition, .and that each day ree! more improvement.
The actual conditi6ns vary in different partr of the rtatg induced of cource by peerrliar local conditionr btrt we would say ttat as a rtate, up and down the line, buying ir more brfuk, building is picking upr every indication is for a good fall, and the lumbermen are going to come in for their thare
Scvcral large raihoad have com into fhc merket in the hrt two wcclo, pfacing ordcrr fq cer nrtcriel
Gum Lumber Manufacturers Decide On Advertising Campaign
An advertising campaign to promote the use of gum lumber was decided upon by manufacturers of gum at a meeting in Memphis, June 6. The campaign witl be conducted through the Hardwood Manufacturers' Institute, and as a part of the latter's plan for advertising various species of woods of the hardwood industry.
The Gumwood Service Bureau was formally organized to undertake the campaign which will be maintained through an assessment of 15 cents a thousand feet, log scale, basis 1923 cut. The following permanent committee of five will have supervision of the advertising campaign: H. Curtis Dewey, Chapman-Dewey Lumber Company, Mem- phis; C. Arthur Bruce, E. L. Bruce C-ompany. Memphis; J. B. Edwards, Hillyer-Deutsch-Edwards, Inc., Oakdale, La.; H. D. Love, Turner-Farber-Love Company, Memphis; Morris Cooper, Carrier Lumber & Manufacturing Company, Sardis, Miss.
of the National prosperity that ir irut rtarting. (Sce editorial, ttNational Optimirm Increalertt in this irsue.)
Yardc are placing orderr now at pricer that bave been asked for tfre lart thirty dayr and it cannot bc raid that prices have advanced, yet. It could not be expected that lists would advance this roon, erpecially when there war considerable unrold lumber on the docb. At San Pedro there has been a house cleaning and the wharver can 'aLG care of a lot of lumber in AugurL Cargoer are running lecs to large lots of rough randorn, and there is more uirper grade lumber coming in. f 5-8 latb are rtronger, while tb lt/z are weak. Green clearu are rclling more freely but at low prices, too low.
Thir rhqtd heb thc uplrcr merLctThe eqlort market ir not rpccially r|lil& nil borhcr b iurt about hotdhg itr own end thc bopc for b*tcrna hcrc [c. in Sc solss of 6c farm crope d 6c ncw high pri<s the,t hrvc bcca prcvrfrg tbc lert few &yr. Mu.f, bu bcc! t id of tLG cfft.t thrt thc opcrhg of tbc langvicry phnt uill brvc o tbc Cefiforair nulct. Thir trcmdour dl opcocd &ly 31* It docr not rcco rceroeble to anticipetc 6rt en orgenarS,n li|:c rhc f.og-BCl Lnmbcr Compeny, witt Scir yean of crpcriane lDd thch ability, woold comc into a market ar importrnt s ltL oc' and imncdietcly dirrqt Ahgt, ar bar bccn prcdiclcd ro oftcn lt ir n(xr! [Ldy to rrypcc thet thcir in Califonia will bc cercfr[v leid out, with thir ooc nein thougbt in mind.
Shipmentr for July witl bc ligbtcr thar for Jue. To the nighq of July 29th, rcvcnty-Srec bodt brd docked at Loo Angeler barbor, ca;ying tS millfun ftct of fir and redwoodThe total for the Eonth of Jrnc ruar 1O5'(XX)'(XX) feet.
Buitding in thc Soothcrn city L aclivc and July will see a total of about $ll'0(X)'(Xn.OO.
Thc lart wcc&ly report from thc Wcrt Coert t umbermen't Atsociation rhorvr a wcCCr pr,oduclio of 74,(XX)'(XX) feet and raler nnning to 95'(XX),(X)O. TAis b e geod indication.
The rcdwood millr report a cot of E (XlO,(XlO ftct for thc week and relcr of 4,3(X)'(X)O.