1 minute read
Ben Woodhead Suggested for Snark of I ne unrverse
Wth the Annual meeting of the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo but a ferv rveeks arvay, and rvith the expectation of this being one of the largest in point of numbers attending, and most interesting in the history of the Order, it is but natural to be hearing suggestions here and there for the most logical successoi to the position now held by C. D. LeMaster of California, as Snark of the lJniverse.
Charlie LeMaster rvas elected at Nerv Orleans last September, to serve' the year 193 and 1924. He has made a most efficient officer, and during his administration Hoo Hoo has made great strides.
Without doubt the one name that is heard the most often, and the man who is outstanding in the country as the proper candidate, is Ben S. Woodhead, of Beaumont Texas. This gentleman, knorvn from coast to coast as one of the most successful 'rvholesale lumbermen in the country. is respected and admired by all lumbermen. He has been prominently identified in Associational rvork for years,, is i keen level headed business man; his name and profession carries considerable 'rveight in the different branches of the business, and if elected, would give Hoo Hoo a boost and momentum that rvould put it on even a higher level than it stands today.
The publisher of "The California Lumber l\Ierchant" was told by I!Ir. Frank Trorver, of San Francisco that Ben Woodhead would be acceptable to the state of California to head this great Fraternity. N[r. Trorver is a past Snark