1 minute read
Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar. Sawmills, Marshfield, Oregon
Distributing Plant Bay Point.
Annual Production 2(X),(XX),(XX) Feet
GENERAL OFFICES :'rTl ??tj:i:}'t" of the Universe. has been a member of the order for a great number of years, and is known as one bf the men who have given counsel and aid for its betterment.
Los Angeles Office, to6 ccntrel Btdg.
In the south, through Texas and the other southern lumber producing and consuming states, Ben Woodhead is tremendoirsl/ popular, and iJ being boosted for the distinction. Mr. Woodhead is an uncle of one of California's rvell known retail lumbermen, IWr. Dave Woodhead, of Los Angeles, head of the Woodhead Lumber Company, of that city. Dave Woodhead served Hoo Hoo for two years as Vicegerant Snark, and is the man who has been given credit for putting the Order rvhere it is in one of leading Districts in the eountry.
Harry White, General Manager of the hardrvood house of White Brothers, San Francisco is happily whiling arvay the month of July with his family at "Galawater," their country place in the heart of the Santa Cruz mountains. Rusticating among the beautiful soft Redwoods should prove a delightful rest to "Hardwood Harrl'."
"We all enily your papcr and looL fornrd ritb plcenrc for each hue. Illr. Dioonc'3 ptgc oo the Elrlcr b perticularlv intcfe.ting and helpful"
(FrrDk L For)
Stock Sash
Hish C'rade Stoc& and Dircd clrlr ou epecidty.
All doorr madc mortire and teoon