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LeMaster Boosts for State Hoo Hoo Meeting
The following letter is a copy of one that was sent_jqlt recently to all o-f the California Vicegerant Snarks, by C. D.
LeMaster, Snark of the (Jniverse.
To All Vicegerents
Dear Brother:
Plans are progressing rapidly for the State wide Concat at Santa Crirz August- 23rd. -Santa Cruz instead of Del Monte.
The State Retailers are co-operating and are assured the Millwork Institute will do like wise.
As soon as plans are complete notices will be sent out from one poin[ to all Hoo-Hoo in the State. Notices will be signed- by all Vicegerents and State Consulor. San Franc-isco ha-s already made announcement of the meeting at the Hoo-Hoo Club Thursday.
Each Vicegerent should start now to BEG HIS KITTENS and we will put Michigan to rout. Get busy now and get kittens signed up whither they are able to go to Santa Cruz or not. 'We can elect and initiate them at some other time and place, and thereby get credit for them this year. Each Vicegerent to have full credit for all kittens from his district.
If you are out of application blanks wire Isherwood for supply at once.
Vicegerent Grifien and High Priest of -Ptah l. R- Neylan are in -harge of arrangemenis at Santa Cruz.
This rvill be the griatest meeting ever staged in Cdifornia.
Do your bit. -
Yours sincerely and fraternallY, C. D. LEMASTER, Snark of the tlniverse.
Texas Wholesaler Visiting Coast
Mr. W. E. Black, of Dallas Texas, one of the best known and influential wholesale lumberman of the Gulf State, has been in California for the Past two weeks, on a combined vacation sight-seeing and business trip.
Mr. BlaJk is Sec-retary of the W.- H. Norris Lumber Company, large wholesaltrs, who operate offices at Dallas as well as Houston.
They have sold Yellow Pine for years in the south, and have ilso been handling a large quantity of California White Pine and Fir.
Mr. Black visited Los Angeles for a few days, looking up numerous lumber friends, and-then went to San Franciico, where he stayed a week before leaving for Portland and Seattle.
Joe Rolando New Manager at Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co. Yard
Joe Rolando, the well known and popular California lumberman, has been appointed manager of the large SuddenHeitman Lumber Co. Yard at Third and Mariposa Streets, San Francisco, succeeding S. W. Towlb who resigned on July 1. Mr. Rolando has had a wide and varied lumber experience and is well equipped to fill the duties of his new position. lle was formerly associated with the HartWood Lumber Co., with which concern he spent five years; he rl'as about three years with their retail yard in San Francisco and for the past two years was connected with their wholesale office in Los Angeles. His friends in the California lumber trade are many and in taking up his new work he carries their best wishes for his cohrtinued success.
Becoming Famous In Other Countries
Dear Sirs:
We are indebted for your address to the Belgian C,onsul at San Franciso.
We should feel much obliged to you if you woutrd hand us an exemplar of your review and let us know the price for an annual subscription.
Yours truly: Rufin & Jacques, Gilly (Betgique).
Los Angeles Lumbermen Inspect Fresno Plant
Officials of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company, at their mill at Pinedale, were hosts recently to a foursome'of Los Angeles lumbermen who made a special excursion to Fresno for the particular purpose of going through this tremendous mill.
Mr. L. H. Stanton and R. McAlpine, of E. J. Stanton & Son, Mr. L. M. Rosenberg of the Hipolito Company, and Phil B. Hart, of "The California Lumbe,r Merchant," were delightfully entertained by Mr. I{emphill and Mr. Baird of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company, and were given the opportunity of enjoying a personally conducted tou! through the mill, from one end to the other, and of having all the details of manufacture explained.
They also journeyed to Central Camp, where this company is falling and loading approximately fourteen million feet of beautiful Sugar and White Pine logs per month, and were there taken in hand by C. H. Smith, Logging Superintendent, who took them for a trip into the woods.
"Pleare bc advircd tbat your megazinc har caured conriderable trouble at our home and tbere ir a fceling *i't to divorce proceedingr betrreen my wife and myrelf, for every time your paper conrcr my wife grabs it and I have to walt from 5 to 1O dayr before I am able to read it at dl, ro it will be either nece$ary for you to rend ur an extra copy or cancel the paper eotirely."
(I-eo Hubbard, Htayward Lumber & Inv. Co.)