1 minute read
"My BuSineSS iS Different" (Monkey Talk)
And still we keep on meeting men who say: "That stuff is all right with others but 'my business is different."'
And in every case it's just what the above title says about it: it's monkey talk. Nothing else.
A rnan who studied eighty-seven forms of business in this country makes the declaration that "I have not yet found one that is unique."
As a matter of fact, the more a business is called unique, the more inefficient it is, as a rule. The more a man thinks he is unique, the less teachable he is, and the less likely he is to improve and develop his business.
Many a man says: "I am a Robinson Crusoe. I stand alone." Hs may sell a little of that to his poor family, but not to other business men.
The truth is that such talk is childish nonsense. It is genuine delusion or comimon swank. All business is funda- mentally the same. Every sale has four elements and no more.
In every business in the world the object is thc samcnet profit. In every business there is waste, and delry, and planlessness, and sales loss, and preventable leaks.
In every business it is better to study than to guessbetter to learn than to sneer-better to improve than to boast-better to profit by the experience of other business than to think they're all out of step but YOU.
No business is "different."
W. R. Chamberlin, of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, has been in the east for the past month on a business trip. He made the trip east through the Panama Canal on the "'W. R. Chamberlin Jr." which is one of their lumber carriers. While in the east, he visited New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington. He was was accompanied on the trip by Chas. G. Lynch, of the Blinn Lumber Co., of Los Angeles.
For a quarter ccntury Hipolito Company har rpccialized in making window lcrceD! and creeo doora
Experience has develog:d special machinery and improved methods of constrirction. Volume production bas brought moderate price with good dealer profits.
Inbuilt quality, a principle nevcr lost sight of, has made these screens famous. They do more than satisfy-they please.