1 minute read
"Let's Go!" said the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association-and they signed contracts for a big nation-wide advertising-sales campaign to start in August, 1924,
Month after month full pages of California Pine messages by the millions will tell home-builders, architects, contractors, builders, lumber merchants and wood-consuming industries about California White Pine, California Sugar Pine, California White Fir and our other woods. Think what this million-message campaign will mean-it puts a million California Pines salismen in the field, selling month in and month out.
During thc 6rst ycar twenty Dational and sectionat magazincr will calry horc tban FOUR MILLION California Pincs
The American Lumberman, The National li$'",'Jfi : "i"",,",x',Xi Jlif; lTTiJii"lS 6 0 0, 0 0 0
Backing up this millions-of-messages campaign will be a steady output of booklets, bulletins, four-color folders, information sheets, reports on tests, technical data sheets, motion pictures and carefully prepared exhibits. And to make this bigger business campaign a better business campaign as well, this Association ofiers the trade the experience of a competent Wood Technologist formerly with the United States Government Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, who will give prompt attention to all inquiries about our woods. Ask him-he knows!