7 minute read
Kindly Expressions
"The Birthday Number wat a vcr5r 6ne irue. \f,fc like 'The Califomia Lumbcr Merchant' vcr5r much and like the way it ir gotten up."
(Heorv Hink, Dolbcer-Canon Lumbcr Co.)
"I have jurt finirhed reading the Birthdry Isuc and it ir very fine. I enjoyed readins it vcry much.tt
(A. B. Wartell, The Calif. Retail Lumbermeo'r Arn.)
"I have looked ovcr the Bir'lhday lrure and I likcd it ver5r much. I am gled to rce it geating biggcr cver5l irue. I am taking thir isrue homc to-nigtht ro that I can look iu oyer more thorougbly.tt
(Char. R. McCormid.' Chat R. McCormick & Co.)
"The Birthday loue tyat a eplendid irue. I got conlderable plearure for reading iL"__
(A. J. Rurell, Santa Fe Lumbcr Co.)
"The July 1 bnrc twat a chny numbcr. I iurt wcnt tbrowh it and cnjoyed it vcry rnuch."
(Jar. -n. Bto.'o, Char. R. McCornic& & Co.)
"The Birthday lrue war very 6ne. It ir tbe bclt irruc Sat you have publirhed todate."
(W. M. Bccbc)
"I havc not bed en opportnity o logl thc Birthdey Ire ovcr vcry thoroughly bd it loob fte e pcrcb< dndy ilruc.tt
(Strycll Snith, C4il. Whitc & Sugrr Ptne lffg. Arro.)
"Jurt a lbc c tro to rey thet yoa rccod eanivcrnry numbcr tekcr tbc ce|rc. You uill hrvc to !p rcru to bcrt it ncrt ycar.tt
(H. Rirldiford)
"It wla a'bca/ of en isuc. Th.t ir thc bcrt word I can think of." Yorrr for lifc-
(J. M. Cterc, Heyrerd L@bcr & IEv. Co.)
"You ccrtainl5r do hw hfr to pd it lcrn I hrvc nevcr tcco r norc eltrrc{ivc inrc, ttr- 6rt Birthdry ne bcr of your. I-og ny 5ro[ rtYc.tt
(F. lL Connclly' Woodhced Lmbcr Co.)
"l wLh to congntulrtc yoc wo Sc rplcodiil Birtbdey Nunbcr. Fron cvcr5l angl,c it rr l mdcrful bc!' and war without doubt, pprccirtcd by cvcryoc tho rcad it.tt
(C. S. E*c+ J. O. Mar C;o, La AngPlo)
"I an not in thc lubcr burincr+ bc I cc do rcd
..The Birthday I'uc war l ver5r fine i'ue. ..The Cali- evcryr iruc of your Crlifomh PrPcr' ud coiqy iLThrt fornia Lumber M*;h;;; ""ry ir"p"l"r -iu u. lumber lart Birthdev Nunbcr urt I wodcfrl pice of -,o.lq rnd t'"jJ;t;;*" grJto"* iii"itfrt"'" - we consratulatc-vou'
(J. H. H;l-;iill-;E;.ka Lumber co.) - (Ertt schnidt, Schrmuf,cr wdl Board co.)
"I think that the Birthday lsue wat r vcry 6nc numbcr "Dclr 'Gengtr{ognfulefirnr rgrir. urd war very attractive."
(Home Marit) roundingr (rcc lctcr brt ycc) lnd THE CALIFIORNIA
(en e lr-,:.\ "Our drrcllinc pllcc b rdt pitchcd rmg plcuent rr-
"The Birthday Number twar a vcty vcry fine i'ue-a LLJMBER ugRcHANr' lftc tbc lndolry tLich ir rc ebly dandy irgue.r, umD€r war vcrv vcrv r'rc ".G-r ::Tfal1_f,ar grown BIGGER AND BETTER tilL thG '
(R. F. Hammatt, Calif. Redsood Arn ) o%ffCftfi* and to SER''E tyher mc pherent fatc ltIrthday l$ue vcrl mucn. lt wlr (Prdicf t rnbcr Co., lnc.)
"The July 1 irue wa! a dandy. I enioyed it very nuch." could mere man dcdre- Wc Lnor of bd o9c^11y--tg 191c,y1",r Di|nmicft. pitirii.t Lunbcr Co.) plgyc y_orn lot in lifc end tbrt L to BIJILD A H(X,SE ON "Enjoyed reading the Birthday Igue verlr much. It wu m.'' very nrry lroutl' I a fine i*ue.
(R. G. Hircox, Wertem Strter Lumbcr Co.) .nWe wirh to congrduldc you G you Birf1de' I'.c, ..The Birthday l$ue war lome ilrue. I rurely cnjoyed ar it certainly war r hundin8icf and vcty worthy of neoreading it very much and fiked the attractivc wai in ir'f,icn tion." Vcry tnrly yolrl irt
(Hco&icbm lmbcr company)
(John c' Mccabe' Andrerr F Mahoney Lumber co') ..I think yo' dcrctve e grcet dcel or crcdit for the Bir6..I want to compliment and congratuhte you on the nag- day Nrnbcr. It ir lrrely e vdcrful pdlicetion' end I am nitude and fine appearaDce of thi: Anniverrary Nrmbcr, sure qycry hmbctmu egrccr vith n tt and I rincerdy hope the Cdifornia Lumber Mcrchent nay "I have foud yorr Lubcr Mcrchrnt'e grcet_help to the lile to celebrate -"oy prorperour Birt[dayr in the coloy- lumber indudry end a fi." pcp rcttdcr for dl ralermco nent of the confrdence and good wbhee of itl palronr ar well u olw'Dcrr end nenegcrr" which it so richly delcnrer.tt Yourr rinccrely, (Jar- S. Foreter) (D' J' cahitl, wectetl Hardrvood Lbr' co') ysur Annual Number was a "hum-dinged' and r trust ..\f,fe have jurt received the Birthday cditioa of the Cdi- that each year will show as muc,b improvement in your fomia Lumber Merchent and for a two yar old paPcr live paper as the past year has showrr. we think it takcr the prize.tt Yorrr vcry tnrly Germain Lumber Company, Los Angeles. (S. C. Hooper Lur*cr Co.)
H. Eason, san
,.The Birthday Nunber lwar a vcry good i''e. I havc r think your issue of July lst is a credit to you and to all haard rome 1,ery frne qomplinrdr on thir i*r..t the lumbermen who subscribe to your Paper' - aa5;ld o"as., E i-p"as. c".)
"Big Annivemary Number a 'beart. Congratulationr."
(Hunt Sarh and Door Co.)
"Every iroue ir " gobd one, bril, nrhen I rcceived my July let number, I war rurely pleared. lt war a fine job."
(Earl Hoffmar, Earl Hoffrnan Co., Lor Angclee)
"Once a year I write yoq congratulating you upon the Anniverrary Number. I rhould write twice a month, the year around. You have the be* looking and moot intererting lumber paper thet ir printed.tt
(H. L. Rooenberg, Hipolito Co., Lor Angeler) ttAllow me to extend my congratulationr on that wonderful Birthday lerue. It war a dandy, and full of interesting matt€tr.tt
(F. A. Cartetter, Cregon Lmbr. .dgcncy, I-os Angeles)
" tAtta Bo5 Jack. Fine irue end no more ttan I qpected. Give ru more like it."
(A. L. (Gus) Hoover)
"Accept my felicitationr on t{re recond Birthday of your worthy joumal; tgorh how tte youngrter bal grown'."
(Rollinr A. Brown)
"I have jwt now had time to glanss thru your Second Anniverrary Number and yotr ere certainly entitled to congratulations and to tlre thanke of all retail lumbermen.
"More than anything of ite kind, your publication ir conrtructive end builde men up into better merchantr and better citizenr, and withal" it ir put up in ruch attractive form and is flavored with humor to a point where it is 'easy. to taket.
"I thinL a safe basir for difrerentiating betweerr progre!rive up to dati lumbermen and the old reactionarlr or' moss-back type, would be the fact of whether or not they take and read the Cdifornia Lumber Merchant. My wirh and hope ia that it may continue indefmitely to rerve thir great industry and grow in intenest end inf,uence ar the yearr go by." Yourr very rincerely,
(8. J. William+ Paraff,ne Companier, Inc.)
to Mirr Alberta Ruth Brey, Porterville)
Dear Mire Brey:
"I wal much intereeted and pleared witb your article in the JuIy lst issue of the California Lumber Merchant, and I fullv agree with dl the kind thingr you say about ttat wide-awake journal. lt has hehed t6 make a real fricndly family out of California lumbermen and Jack Dionne and hig able coadjutors are entitled to much praire.

"I erpecially appreciated yoru remarke about the advance which Hoo-Hoo has made and which Mr. Dionne he4 helped to promote bv hir friendly publicity. The Order ir on a higher plane than ever and ic going forrrard to rtill gleater achievements. You will be intcrerted in the two little pamphlets about Hoo-Hoo which I enclore, one about 'Treer'and the other about 'Hoo'Hoo; the Soul of Lumberdom' which includer our Code of Ethicr. California takee pride in the fact that it war at thc Frceno Annu'l in 1921 that the Code war adopted. Panon Simpkinr tellr me that no lerr en authority than Juliur Barneq Precident of the National Chamber of Commerce told him in hir Warhington office that it war tfie finert exprerdon of buriners and personal ideall he had ever !Gen.
"With kindert rcgardr to yourrclf and your erteamed father, I remeinrtt Sincerely youn,
(Frank W. Trowcr)
laly 21,1924. Miss Albcrta Ruth Brey, Portervillc. Calif. clo Bfty-Wright Lumber Co.,
My Dear Miss Brey:
So you havc brokcn into literature too. .Wcll you certeinly have madc a good job of it. Your two articles in thc annivcrsary number of thc California Lumber Mcrchant, 'That Golden Opportunity," and "Jack Dionne-We Thank You," arc splendid.
I too am a grcat admirer of Jack Dioncre and the spl,endid wo'rk hc is doing among| thc lurnberrrcn of tho statc. In fact I had writtcn trrim prior to sccing this article of y<iurs, but of course lt was not so well written-othcrwise it ras another .casc of "great rninds,"
The article on the display room is written most charmingly and efrcctively-bcttcr I think than any man could v/rite dt,
In ordcr that I might havc an opportunity to read both articles carcfully, I took thc paper home with mc on Saturday and read them yesterday. In fact, I read both of them to Mrs" Williams and wlu'le she could not apprcoiatc thc one on Jack Diorule, so much, not lmowing him and not knowing much about the papcr, she did think the other was splendid and she said "that's exactly the way a woman fecls about thosc thingE "
I hope you will occupy th€ page of the California Lurnber Mcnchaht frequeotly-in fact, you migfht go furthcr.
I scnt you on Saturday, I belicvc it was, a copy of ihe address I delivered at the National Convention of thc Rctail Hardwarc Dealers held in San Francisco recently, I'would bc rrcry glad to have your criticisms of thc idcas exprcsscd therein
With best personal regards,
Yours very truly,
B. J. WTLLIAMS, Director of Sales, The Paraffine Companies,
P. S. Also give my best w'ishes to your father.
"San Diego"
"Point Loma"
"Robert Johnson"
We havc lcarned thc California lumbcr marL,et and thc Pacific Coast lumber conditions in the grim, hard school of erpcrience.
No hastily gotten togcthcr group of mcn could delivcr a service that 20 ycare of lumber handling has givcn ur. California has been our grcat markct and to mect itr necdr our whole organization and equipmcnt has bcen devcloped. You will find our transit stocks and gtocka on hand at our Los Angeles docks are at all times adequate to scrvc you.