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E. P. Hunter, Famous Texas Lumber Merchant, Visits California
E. P. Hunter, of Waco, Texas, General Manager of Wm. Cameron & Company, has been a recent visitor in California, visiting Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hunter. It was their first trip to this state, and they were delighted with everything they saw.
Mr. I{unter is probably the most outstanding figure in the world from a standpoint of progressive lumbel merchandising. He operates seventy building stores in Texas and Oklahoma, a far greater nurnber of progressive retail lumber institutions than any other firm, and ii a wonderful advocate of every phase of business creating. He is an enthusiast advertiser of various kinds, a plan book enthusiast, and a firm believer that it is the business of the dealer to do the business thinking for his community. And he has proven to his own satisfaction for many years that it DOES pay to do all these things forcefully and intelligently.
"There is one thing I have seen very little of in driving around Los Angeles, and that is bill board advertising by retail lumbermen. It seems to me that nowhere else on earth is there such a fine opportunity for this very effective advertising than here in l-:os Angeles where there-are boulevards radiating in every direction, and tremendous traffic on a-l! of them. Bright and effective billboard advertising would pay wonderfully for the hrmber merchants here. -I was surprised to see so little of it. f saw some very efiec- tive billboard advertising by lumber merchants around some of the smaller cities, but not much around Los Angeles," said Mr. Hunter to The California Lumber Merchant.
Mr. Ifunter considers billboard advertising as one of the lumber merchants greatest opportunities, and has used it wi_th _unfailing success in his own efforts at many points.
"All efforts to create a demand for building -material brings good results," said I!?r. Hunter.
Frank Adams, Chicago representative of the Pacific
Lumber Company, was a recent visitor tt lqg. company's George B. Waddell, accompanied by Mrs. Waddell, has San Francisco office on business matters. While on the returnei to Califronia'after sfending ibout three weeks on coast, h_e also spent several. days at the company's large glj9y1ble trip to Alaska. Mr."Waddell operates the redwood operations at Scotia. Waddeli Lumbei Company at Alameda.
Klamath Falls Concatenation
There was a large attendance at the Klamath Falls Concat which was held July 6, when 34 Kittens were initiated and 2 Reinstatements were made. The California delegation that made the trip included C. D- LeMaster, Snark of the ljniverse; Frank Trower, Bob MacArthur; Parson Simpkin; R. T. Buzzard; G. W. Fraser; Franklin Trower; Mrs. C. D. LeMaster; Mrs. G. W' Fraser; Mrs' Frank Trower: Elizabeth Trower; Miss Graham ; and Miss Maybelle LeMaster, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs' LeMaster. While at Klamath Falls the party attended the annual Rodeo exhibitions and also made the trip to Crater Lake.
Lumber Lectures Prove InterestinS to Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo
Prof. Smiley of the Occidental College, Los Angele.s, is making a siries of four lectures on the ori{n,..growth, characterTstics, etc., of the American trees, and dealing particularlv with the California varieties. These addresses are being delivered at the weekly luncheons of the Los Angeles -Hoo-Hoo Club, and are oPen to all lumbermen, rvhEther members of Order or not. Professor Smiley started the series on July 17th, and gave the second of the talks on July 24th.
Both rireeiings were well attended, and the men who heard Mr. Smiliy, without exception, expressed themselves as being delightid at the opportunity to h"4r the inte-resting and instructfue facts that he brings out, in terms that aro plain and easily understood by men who have not made a deep study of forestry growth.
Thd third- address wiil 6e given on July 31st, and the series will end at the luncheon on August 7th. As stated above, all lumbermen are invited to attend, and there is no charge made.

At the luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held at the Palace Hotel, William H. Propert of the United States Steel Products Co., u'as the speaker of the day and gave an interesting and instructive talk on the proposed Golden Gate Bridge.- Dick Richards entertained the gathenng with his intereJting monologue and stories while Bob Gehnng and his orchestra played several delightful selectlon.i.
Owing to the absence of President R. A. Ifiscox, Vi"ePresident J. Walter Kelly presided over the busrness 5ession of the meeting. Charles Moody, president of the Lumber Salesmen's CLub of San Francisco, was the chairman of the day. The attendance prize, a beautiful bill fold donated by Hugh Handley of the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., was won by Walter Blick
At the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo luncheon on Thursday, July 24th, Snark Rosenberg announced that the Los Angeles Club would hold a dinner dance during the month of Augusl The time, place and other arrangements are in the hands of capable committees, and it promises to be a very brilliant affair.
The Snark also read a letter from $nark of the lJniverse, C. D. LeMaster, telting of the plans for all Catifornia Hoo'Hoo to get together during August, for a Convention, monster Concatenation and a general good time.
No definite plans have been made, but all districts have expressed their rvillingness to participate this kind, and it has been predicted that be selected as the site. in an affair of Del Monte will
What is said to be the largest lumber carg'o ever to have entered an American port, arrived at the Los Angeles Harbor, recently, on the Lewis Luckenbach. She carried a
Arizonan Happy Over Arrival Of New Son
Mr. Monroe llarris, manager of the Arizona Sash and Door Company, Phoenix, is the proud father of a new son that arrived at his house on July 1lth.
cargo of 7,574,N0 feet of lumber.
This boat, rvith her sister ship, the bach, have the honor of being the steamers under the American flag.
Andrea F. Lucken-