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Biggest Mills on Earth Start Cutting July Thirty-first

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An event of great importance, not only to the present lumber season 6ut to ALL time in the manufacture of lumber, took place on July 31st, at Longview, Washington'

On that day the biggest and most notable sawmill institution ever d6signea 6i buitt by m,an, began ope-ration,. cutii"e i"to one o"f the greatesf privately owned stands of tim-ber left on the globe.

The Long-Bell Lumber Company has been two years pt"p".ittg f8rthis big day. They have invested in their iio^grotit6" -or. -orr".y t-han ?ny-oTe in the history of th.e iu#U.r industry .'t ", lt."-ed of investing in a sawmill plant.

Thev soent a quarter of a million dollars for relief topogt"oft;.'"f '-"pt oi their timber, before they did anything elie. They -planned the cutting of th-eir timber from the first to th6 tast tree, before thiy built a foot of logging road.

Thev built a beautiful city for their employes,before thev iiarted the mill. They built railroads, and docks, and *"i"tt"u".t, and theatresi and hotels, etc', before they started the mills.

The first milling units are now complete, lnd are manui".t"ii"g Long-BEll trademarked Douglas Fir for national """."tnition. "Two mainline railroads serve the plant, and ii"tti rf their own docks there on the Columbia River the lr-eat lumber steamers to all parts of the lumber using world will take their cargoes from the Long-Bell plant.

The mills are electrically driven entirely- L,ong-Btell has built and operated a string of the biggest sawmills in the country, do'wn in Texas, IJouisiana,- AiFansas, and Misiissippi, ind they have learned much about -mill buildingEvirything thit their skilled men have has been-ingorPol: ated into -their great operation at Longview.When- all completed the Longview plant will turn out about half a billion feet of lumber annually.

For several years Long-Bell has had a selling grganization in the Stite of Calilornia, handling the lumber, sash and doors from their great white and sugar pine plant at Weed, California, as well as their hardwood f,ooring froln Arkansas. This selling organization wi'll be augmented, and it is reported that very interesting things will be^don-e by this concern to arrange for supplying the trade- in all pirts of California with Long-Bell Fir products.- No announcement has yet been made concerning this phase, bqt there will be spelial arrangements for both water and rail supply.

C. J. "Ctint" Laughlin, of Los Angeles, is California sales igent for the company, and will be prominently identified with all their sales.

Mr. Kenneth Smith, well known in and around the Bay District, handles the company's sales in the northern part of the state, making his office headquarters at San Francisco.

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