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A.'w'. Smith Sells williams Fir Finish
The A. W. Smith Lumber Company, of Los Angeles, has accepted the exclusive agency for Williams Famous Fir Finish, for Southern California. This announcement is made with considerable pride by both A. W. "Bates" Smith, and his right hand man Jefi Tully.
Williams Fir Finish is manufactured exclusively in Seattle by the Williams Fir Finish Company, and the Williams Fir Finish Company is much better equipped than ever before to deliver a wonderful quality and quantity of Fir finish, this in spite of the fact that for years Williams Fir Finish has been looked upon by lumbermen generally as the acme and perfection of Fir finish.
They have a new and modern flooring plant in Seattle that produces Fir Finish in much greater vblume than they had previously known, and they manufacture it with peifect care, and scientific accuracy. The lumber is kiln dried to a degree that exactly fits it for the climatic conditions of California. Each board is perfectly sanded, and is protected by careful handling so that it goes into the car in a perfect condition as it comes from the machines.
And that isn't all. When they ship a car of Williams Fir Finish they line the car with'papei to protect the lumber from sifting dirt, dust, sand, etc., an-d when the car
l4t. H. E. West, of the J. H. Baxteq Company, Los Angeles, is making a three- weeks trip to Vaniouver and Seattle. He will return to Los Angelis about August lOth.
arrives in California every board is as clean, and clear, and perfect as when it left the machine in Seattle, no broken, dirty, or damaged lumber to unload.
The A. W. Smith Lumber Company continue to be exc_lusive ?gents in Southern California for the splendid pro- ducts of the Northwestern Redwood Company, and Williams Fir Finish simply give them another high quality
Philips Goes With Hart Wood
I Mt. D. R. Philips, who for some time past has been Los Angeles manag6r for the J. R. Hanify Company, will, after fon Aug,ust lst, be associated with the Los Angeles forces o.f the Hart-Wood Lumber Company, in the salis department. _
Mr. Philips is filling the vacancy'created when Mr. Joe Rolando went north to take the managefnent of the SuddtnHeitman Lumber Company.
Mr. Frank W. Pool of Winkleman Arizona, has been appointed prohibition enforcement director for the district of Arizona.
Mr. Podl is,,well known in lumber circles in the west, and is at the fresent time operating yards at Winkleman, Ray and Superior,' Arizona.
We Handle A,LL RAIL
Fir Finirh, Ceiling, Flooring, Mouldingr, Commonr, etc., from geveral of the mort reliable millr in Oregon and Washington. Abo Redwood from Humboldt Corurty mills, in mixed shipments with Oregon Pine if desired.
Everything in Fir and Redwood for prompt shipment to San Pedro, Redondo or San Diego.