1 minute read
PAclr Let us tell you a few facts, Mr. Lrurrber Dealer
Fact No. 12
In the series of advertiremente which have been running in thie and otter lumber trade papers for the part year, we have presented to the lumber o Send for a copy of '"fhe Last Ctreat Stand" and other printed material, which will tell you fully all you will want to know about our timber and our operations at Toledo, Oregon.
About Our Adoertbing buyers of ihe United Statee a rerieg of facts about the Pacific Spruce Corporation of Toledp, Orcgon, for which the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company of Portland is thc exclusive selling agent, atatements in which we tried to tcll a otory that would convince the reader that one road to suscett lay through forming a connection with this company, which is able to furnirh you the kind of stock you wan! in tfie quantity you decire, wittout delay, and coupled with a service that will bring dollarc to yorn business.
If you have failed to make such aconnection with us' you rhould do so without delay. If you have not been convinced that we are in a position to render a service that is without parallel, by the facte we have told you, we will be pleased to have you communicate with us in regard to any question on which you may wirh to be infotmed.
LOS ANGELES OFFICES: A. G. Bartlctt Bldg., Lor Aogelcr, Gliforair