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Shingle Staining Company in Seattle with Don Clark and J. J. Starks
There is a new shingle staining outfit just starting in business in Seattle, Wash., with two very live men in Cxecutive positions, the firm being Starks Shingle Stains, Inc., with J. J. Starks, President, Dan Earle, Secretary, and Don Clark, Treasurer. They have established a plant in Seattle where they are manufacturing shingle stains, and staining shingles for the trade. Mr. Starks, formerly of Kansai City, has located in Seattle. He is still identified with The Starks Manufacturing Company, of Kansas City, although the Seattle concern is an entirely separate institution.
Don Clark is one of the best known men in the shingle industry having been Secretary of. the Ritegrade Shingle Association until a year ago, and a hustler of the finest order.
Concerning their plan, Don Clark writes:
"Our plan includes-(l) The manufacture of shingle stains both to the regular distributors of paints and to the shingle mills who are using Starks improved staining machines and Starks stains. (2) We are organized to sell stained shingles in the local trade surrounding Seattle through the regular channels of distribution, vii: the retail lumber merchants. (3) We intend to do custom stainiqg fqt shingle mills in full carload lots for shingle mills in Washington and British Columbia and returning the ship- ment tq the mills for partial shipments with unstained shingles or other lumber products, or having carload lots