1 minute read
By Jack Dionnc
AEe not Euaranteed-Some I have told for 2O yeant-Some less.
The Place for Isaiah
The colored preacher had taken for his subject this Sunday morning, the Biblical Prophets, and one by one, in his own long winded and detailed way he had discussed the prophets, their history, their work, their deaths, etc. This had gone on for more than an hour, and he seemed to get stronger on each subject as he reached it, so that the end was nowhere in sight.
"Now, bredern and sistern," he said, after closing with a well known Biblical figure, "we am aproaching one ob de Bibles mos'remakable 6ggers,{e Prophet Isaieh. And Ah ares youdl now, contpa'ed wid dl dc gr€t ttophctt ob dc Good Book, whah shall wc placc Is.iah? Wb.h shall we place dis mos' rema'hablc ProphctP
And Sam Johnsing, about half way bacL in thc audisrcc, rose slowly to his feet, stretched himself, yawned weariln and remarked:-
"Pahson, you can put Isaiah in Uah place, causc Ah fixin' to go home."
San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club Holds Successful Meeting
The last meeting of the San Fernando Valley Lumbermens Club, held at San Fernando on July llth, was attended by twenty-two of the Valley retailers and their guests.
Mr. A. B. Garrett, addressed the meeting on "Cost Accounting," and there was a general discussion on yard management and other subjects vital to the retail lumber business.
The next meeting was called for August l4th, at San Fernando. The Club now numbers fifteen yards, the meetings are very well attended, and the members are predicting a brilliant success for the new institution.