1 minute read
S.'W'. Towle Oqganizes Lumber Company +.r3 ^ /-F:'Vu
Heitman Lumber Co., he became associated with the Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co. as manag'er. He resigned from the Sudden-Heitman Lumlter Co. about thirty-days ago and started his new company rat Seventh and Hovvaid Streets, San Francisco.
The location of their yard is in the center of the San Franisco industrial district and the company intencls to operate a specialtv business in the leading Pacific Coast woods concentrating their sa-les efforts_ on upper grades.
-fhe yard will be located under covered lumb'er sheds.
S. W. Toule
The S.W. Tou'le Lumber Co., a corporation lvith S. W. Torvle, President, and Chas. McFarline, Vice-president, u'as recently formed with headquarters at Seventh and tsloward Streets, San Francisco.
S. W. Towle is one of the best known lumbermen in thE San Francisco Bay District and has been activelv en- gaged in the lumber business in San Francisco for twtnty- nine_years. He was born in San Francisco and has made his home there all ,his life. He began his lumber ex- periences with the Pacific pine Co., arid around the period of the San Francisco fire he became associated r,vith the Harmon Lumber Co. When the Flarmo,n Lumber Co. discontinued their lumber operations, he went with,the Christension Lumber Co. and-remained with this concern until the Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co. took over their stocks and yard at Third and Mariposa Streets, San Francisco, last September. Mr. Towle was manager of the Christenson Lumber Co. and rvith their transfer to the Sudden-
S. W. Towle is a splendid citizen and is well and I and favably known. not onlv to the lumber trade of San Fran- orably known, only of San cisco, but is held in extremely high regard by his fellow Itrmbqrmen elsewhere. His development and success in the lumber business has come through hard work from the bottom of the ladcler. He is the father of four children.
Associated with him in his new company is Chas. McFarlane as Vice-President, an experienced lumberman ,antl a vcry able associate. Mr. McFarlane has been in the lumber busi'ness in San Francisco for seventeen years and is recognized ,as one of the star salesmen of the -lumber business. He associated himself with the Christenson Lumber Co. after years of service with the Hooper Lumber Co. and later rvith the Sudden-I.Ieitman Lumber Co. from which company he resigned on July l.
These two men should round out an efficient lumber organization and carry rvith them the best wishes of the lumber fraternity in San Francisco for their increasing and continuecl sucess.