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Meyer & Hodge Take Hutchinson Lumber Co. Agency
One of the important annotlncements made in California of experience in the lrrmber and mill game, ancl the firm lumber circles in the past two weeks, is the one coming ha_ving_been connelcted with mills of liigh caliber. from the offices of Meyer & Hodge, Los Angeles wholel ^ Mn.,,M.{:.t h?. just retut'ned to Los Angeles- from the salers, that they have completed arrangements with the (Jrovtlle mill, rvhere- he spent a number of d,ays inspecting Hutchinson Lumbe,r company, of oroviue, whereby their l*r:t':Xttf;,:ldtJ*,:l"'#"if"ofH:l"il$ lf company will act as exclusive representatives in Southern operation, as liell as the quantity and quality of srocks California, Arizona, Nerv Mexico and Texas, for the lu- that they are turning out each -day. Incidentally while ber manufactured by the Hutchinson Lumber Company. there, he took some very fine trrgut fiom Feather River. o"Tf;"" or,r\4eyer.& Hodge, composed or Mr. Lorne ktf,n;rftt$ffil"L"filn'i"t:ffTJ*:l'F*:1"+i&';f;j lvl' Meye,r, lld J' L. {odge are rrery well and _favorably manufacture large quantities of Caiifornia Fir, aira of knorvn .in this state. Both gentlemen having had years White Fir.
Bill Russell, popular San Francisco lumberman with F. T. Staats, of New York City, is a San Francisco visitor offices in the Flatiron Building, San Francisco, has returned arrd will- spend several days in the Bay District calling on from a two weeks business trip to portland and the Colum- the lumber trade. Mr. Staats is associated with Staats bia River District. on his return, he was acco,mpanied by f;rrl.j:?:, large lumber distributors in the Metropolitan Mrs. Russell and his son Bill Jr., who have been spending the past month w,ith relatives in the Rose City.
A fire broke out at the Pacific Box Co. located at Bay and Taylor Streets, San Francisco, on July 9. A property loss of $25,000.00 is reported.
Ray Gray Spends Few Days In San Francisco
Ray Gray, president of the Taft Lumber Co., Taft, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent several davs calling on the lumber trade. He attended the luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 and stated that he was glad to get back in the Bay District again for a few days and meet a lot of his old lumbermen friends.