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2l2O-2130 Eort 25tb Street
Los Anteles
July 15, L924.
Have You Analyzed It Yet
Your undivided attention is respectfully called to analyze our new Sash and Door Price List No. zbL. This list solves the nystery of figuring sash and doors. We have endeavored to shos you that
This pocket sized list consisting of forty six pages enbodies the principles of estinating your sash and door lists, and will enable you to readily arrive at the desired price rithout confusion.
It is based on the Northern cost prices and in our estination is nuch more evenly balanced than any loca1 list heretofore published.
BE SURE to examine our July lst which we nailed. IT MEANS M0NEY T0 YOU.
Our every ain is to foster and Retail Lunber Dealers Sash and Door business. We ttooth and nail'.
Price Bulletin, help increase the are behind you
DON'T F0RGET IIe are strictly wholesalers.
Phone or write for our new list #zbL if you are not on our regular nailing l1st. increases your efficiency in figuring It costs you nothing and calls next time.
Ask our salesman to estinates. denonstrate the list when he
Your orders are respectfully solicited.
We thank you.
Wholeoalers Meet in Portland
The mid-summer meeting of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Associatictn to be held at Portland July 30th, will be largely attended by the wes'tern membership, and a number of eastern officers and members will be on hand. This meeting provides opportunity for consideration of problems especially affecting the Northcoast membership, and their relation to organization activities at large. R. A. Dailey, rnanager of the association's Northcoast office, has visitedl Portlrand and made plans for meeting program, etc., and a number of subjects. inclrrding Transportation As It Affects Intercoastal Business, Credits, Arhitration, Cost of Doing Business, MaLrketing of Shingles, Standardization, Uniform Order Blank, etc., will be discussed.
The meeting will be held at the Benson Hotel, starting '' rvith a luncheon on Wednesday, the 3oth. The Portland Lumbermen's Club is co-operating to make the meeting a big success and will furni,oh automobile transportation from Portland to Longviel for an evening joint conference with the directors nf the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. On the 31st, there will be the formal srand opening at Longview. w'hich will attract a large gathering.
Ed. Anderson. the well known Northwest lumberman operator and a member of the firm of the Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co. of Aberdeen, Washington, has returned to the Northrvest after spending two weeks in California. While in California he was calling on the trade in Los Angeles and San Francisco and making a survey of the lumber market conditions.