3 minute read
C. M" Clark, Reprerentativc Lor Angeler
Chicago Lumber C.o. of Wash. San Francirco one of these firms il"Xfn:frr, the Big Jo r-umber Company of \Vichita, Kan. This concern has no office or plaht here at present, but rvants to establish itself in San Diego and rvants n3,5n square feet of the tidelands for its plant- Other companies desiring to build on the tideF lands Qo be reclaimed are the San Diego Lumber Company, Dixie Lumber Company, City Lumber Company, Russ Lumber Cornpany and Westqrn Lumber Company.
Construction of this apron wharf and the $2,0m,m group of lumbdr plants on the tidetands depends on action to provide the $250,000 necessary for dredging, bulkhead construction and fill, Brennan said. This bond item has been postponed a number of times and action is necessary in order to insure establishment of the big lumber projecg the harbormaster declared.
The city rvould not be called upoh to provide the wharf, for this would be built by the lumber companies to enable thgir vessels to dock. Revenue from the land ,reclaimed would pay interest and sinking fund on the bonds and net the city a handsome profit annually, it was declared.
The proposed fill would cover approximately 3,00O.00O square feet, or about 75 acres, it is estimated, and the hmbor depa.rtment already has received applications for practically all the land to be reclaimed. Among the applicants are soveral companies which at present have no frontage on the bay and are desirous to locate at tidenrater.
Several of these concerns hare leases on private land which expire next year and are desirous of constructing nel' plants on the tidelands.
Allan Turner, the rvell known San Francisco lumberman, is in receipt of information advising him of the death of his friend, W. J. Lovering of Toronto, Canada. Mr. Lovering rvas one of the largest wholesalers and manufacturers of lumber in Canada. It rvas only a few months ago that he rvas touring on the Pacific Coast, and rvhile in San Francisco he rvas the guest of Mr. Turner.
The Sones Lumber Company, Imperial Valley retailers, have a very clever and attractive card that they use as an envelope insert.
It is a postal sized light gray card, folded across one end, displaying the rvords, "Don't to be Observed in Euilding a lIome."
Upon opbning the card, the following well rvorded sermon is found: l-Forget you may want to sell it some day. lG-Neglect details such as electrical outlets for vacuum cleaner, floor lamp, electric iron, waffle iron, etc. l?-Fail to have professional supervision of construction. f3-Fail to provide sufficient closet and storage room. l4-Fail to.decorate lawn and grounds, nor to plant shade trees. l5-Use special made to order windows and doors; stock items are much cheaper and just as beautiful. And by all means don't fail to consult Sones Lumber Company as to plans, material, workmanship and other details.
2-Overestimate financial abilitv.
}-Let contract before financial arrang'ements are completed.
4-Buy a lot without learning all the facts about it.
S-Fail to obtain a practical, tested, house design with an intelligently arranged interior.
6-Include freak features such as alcoves. dens and the like-things that are of very little practical value.
7-Accept the lowest bid without inquiring as to the character and abilitv of the contractor.
8-Alter plans after construction is under way.
9-Fail to get an adequate heating system.
1l-Use cheap materials to lower first cost.
Experiments in Converting Spruce and Molasses Into Calories for Cattle Being Tried Out Here
(From the Los Angeles Illustrated News)
Sawdust and shaving's are to fur'niish calories for cows if experiments now under way at the Los Angeles l-umber Products Company prove successful.
According to reports, sawdust and shavings from sprruce logs are to be rnixed with molasses to serve as a daily food on farm and range. The experiments have been going on for sevetral months and have al,ready proved so sucessful as to rvarrant the erection of a special building and installation of machinery for manufacturing purposes.
It is'said that government authorities are keenly interested in, thq nerv process, as rvell as dattlemen. The latter, it is declared, see in the sawdust-shavings food a soltttion of the problem of how to prevent livestock from cheu'ing fences, stalls and like wooden tidbits favored by cows in particular.

Floyd Elliott Spends Vacation In Mendocino County
Floyd Elliott, San Francisco and Bay District repre. sentative for Chas. R. McCormick & Co., is spending his vacation in Mendocino County. He is making the trip by automobile and will also take a fey side trips into IIumboldt County. While in Humbolilt hnd Mendocino County, he expects to visit several of the large redwood'manufacturing plants in that district. . He is accompanied by his wife and children on the trip.