3 minute read
The Bound IJp
The 6rm of E. J. Stanton & Son has corralled the choicest stock for your selection. The convenience of a source of supply so complete and dependable in every respect means much to you in time saved 'and in customer satisfaction.
We uant lo seroe gou roilh
Domestic and Imported Hardwoods - Rough or Milled Sugar Pine - White Pine - Spruce - C.edar
O. P. - Redwood and Hardwood Panels and Veneers Hardwood Flooring - Borders and Supplies
Custom Kiln Drying - Detail Miling Insulite - Newmarble
Large and clean stocks, skillful handling and prompt delivery make Stanton Service your best bet.
The Pioneer Hardwood Yard Los Angeles
Hardwoods - Flooring - California Sugar and White Pine - Plywood - Veneers
A M. THACKABERRY Clrcrlrdo Mrnlrpc
Incorpaatcd udcr thc lawe of Calllmta
J. C. Dhnnc, Pnr. end Tru.; J. E. MdiD, Vl@.Pr6"; A- C. Marym, Jr., Scy. Publbhcd thc lat ud f5& of cr.L mt rt llt-1e.20 Ccntral Bulldlng, let Welt Sixth StrrcT Lol elngcle, CaL. Tclephme. VAndike ,|$f5 Ertercd u Scod-cftr mttc Scptobcr E, tg'', tt th; p66frb!'rt Lol Alg;b1 Cdfmb, und* Act of Mrnh $ fS?!.
Subrcription Pricc, $2.lXl pcr Yorr
Singlc Copierl 25 ccntr och.
How Lumber Looks
The California demand, bott cargo .rd r"i; during the raonth of July war quiet. Ar the connunption of hmrbcr in C,alifornia ic alwayr lowert during the mmth of July, dealerl look for considerable improvement in the market during Augut
On Julv 25 there were 34 lrsnber vesels laid up, and it ir reported ttat rcveral other verselr havc been taken oft the Crlifornia nur rince that date. Unrold rtockr at San Pedro ere practically the aarn€ aa two weekc ago, but due to tfie number of boatr now tied up, it ir expected that rmrold stockr at thir point will be greatly reduced during the month of AuguL Thcre ir cornparatively little rursold hsnber arriving in San Francirco.
Inventorier at the fir milb are low. Unrold rtoclc on the docla at tte fir milts are the lowert they,have been for r€y€r- d yearr. The mills report a good volumc of busineer from the Atlantic Coast and the export marketr.
Douglar fir cargo arrivalc at San Francirco for tte month ' of June totaled 53r455r0(X) feet. Fr cargo receiptr at San Pedro for June were 111r520rqn fe€t. Redwood cargo
L. S. Turnbull, Southern California and Arizona representative for the l\{cCloud River I-umber Company, has returned from a week's auto trip up to San Francisco and Sacramento. He was accompanied onthe trip by Mrs. Turnbull. W. J. Lawrence, mill sales manager at McCloud, Calif., was in charge of the Los Angeles office during Mr. Turnbull's absence.
E. H. Biggs of the Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has recently returned from atwo weeks' trip to the company's mill at Forrjt"gg, C"ltr:_
Fire destroyed the mill of the Dollar-Portland Lumber Co. at Portland, July 16. The mill has been shut down for some years. Damage was estimated at from $25,000 to $50,000.
J. E. Peggs, sales .manager ofW. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, returned to his San Francisco headquarters July 15, after ,spending about four weeks in the Los Angeles office.
Russell Castell of the California Lumber Company, Montebello, Calif., recently spent his vacation visiting the Union Lumber Company's mill at Fort Bragg, Calif.
receiptr at San Francirco for Jrne totaled 23r705rfi)O fccq while redwood' cargo urivalr at San Pedro anpunted to 6,994,0O0 feet.
According to the report of the National Lumber Manufacturen Acsociation, the current relationship of ehipmentr and orders to production for the fint twenty-eight weekr of 1929, ie ar followr:

Wert Coart Lumbermen'r Arcociation. Productio\ 4r784,510 M feet; Shipmente, 419591626 M fcet; Ordcn,5,055,787 M feeL
Cdifornh White and Sugar Pine *drcociation. Prodnction, 676,476 M feet; Shipmentl 7361969 M fect; Orderr, 7581815 M feet
Calitfornir Redwood Association. Production, 2061835 M feet; Shipmentr, 209,238 M feet; Orderr, 226,360 Mfeet.
Southett Pine Amociation Production, 118451525 M feet; Shipments, 11896,059 M feet; Orden, 118961994 M feet.
Total Hardwoodr. Production, 11424,385 M feet; Shipmentr, 114301338 M feet; Orders, lr4llr842 M feet.
Garland Back In Lumber Game
R. H. "Dick" Garlahd, for the past two and a half years Southern California representative for the United States Gypsum Co., has resigned to become associated with his father, F. J. Garland, at the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Diego. He will enter on his new duties on August 1.
Edward Hines Orders 36 Moore Cross Circulation Kilns
The Edward Hines \Mestern' Pine Company of Burns, Oregon, has just placed an order with Moore Dry Kiln Company, North Portland, Oregon, for a battery of 38 Moore's patented Reversible Cross Circulation Kilns. These kilns will be installed at the new 'Western lumber manufacturing plantthe Edward Hines Lumber .Company of Chicago are now constructing at Burns, Oregon.
Hawk Huey Visits Southern California
Hawk Huey, Phoenix, Arizona, was a recent Southern California visitor where he spent a week sojourning in Los Angeles and San Diego. Mrs. Huey and daughter accompanied him on the trip.
F. A. Beltz, secretary of the A. F. Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook, Ore., was a recent visitor to San Francisco. While in theBay City he was a caller at the office of Gritzmacher & Gunton, agents for his company's products.