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Jack Rea Enters Wholesale Commission Lumber Business

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Jack Rea, for the past fourteen years connectecl rvith the u'holesale lnr.nber business in Los Angeles. is rnaking his entry into the 'n'holesale lumber commission l>usiness u'ith headquarters in the Petroleum Securities Builcling, Los Angeles. For the past nine years, he rvas Los Angeles manag'er for W. R. Chamberlin & Co. N{r. Rea recently returned from a trip to the Northrvest u'here he was visiting the mills. He rvill handle Douglas fir cargo and rail shipments.

S. C. Patrick Returns From Three Weeks Business'l'rip

Concluding a tour of four states during which her visited ten security oitces of the Nlonolith Portland'Midrvest Company, Samuel C. Patrick, sttperintenclent of agencies for the coml)any, has returned to I-os Angeles.

NIr. Patlick left three weeks ag'o o11 a special train to the opening of the Nliclrvest company's new $2,000,000 cement mill at Laramie, Wyo., but left the delegation of coast r.isitors at Colorado Springs. He then transacted business for the cornpany at Cheyenne, Laramie, Denver, San Franciscr.r, Oaklancl. S;rn .fose, and points betrveen. The Michvest and the N{onolith Portland Cement Company, a California institution, are affiliated, being under the same manag'ement and control.

Nlr.Patrick saicl that the Boulder Dam proposal has caused a general trrrning of attention to the clistrict it u'ill affect, even in the territory east of the Rockies, and that there is a feelirrg that the entire Southr,vest *'ill develop into one of the outstanding business sections.

Lumberman Joins

"Hole in One" Club

/ William I. Wilson, general manag'er of the California Door Company, Oakland, attaine'd the ambition cherished 'by most golfers rvhen he made a hole in one recently.

Mr. Wilson accomplished this feat on the 138 yard, fifth hole of the Sequoia Country Club course, Oakland on July 12 rvhile playing lvith Larue Woodson, of the Wheeler Osgood Company. and Pacific Coast Plyu'ood Mnfrs.. Inc.

T. O. Herzog Buys Cargo Lumber Co.

T. O."Ted" Herzog, Los Angeles, has recently taken over the Cargo Luml>er Company. 1660 Ilast Firestone Blvd. ancl is norv operating the 1'ard under the name of the Herzog Lurnber c! Door Con'rpany. Mr. Herzog has had a great deal of lumber experience, having formerly been connected with the Herzog Sash & Door Company, the West Adams Lumber Company and tl.re American Manufacturing and Sales Corporation.

AUTOMOBTLES r-r- Were Sold Without Name or Trademark.

You would think twice before you bought one in preference to a car with a brand and established reputation.

WHYiLHHi;S or Caution in Purchasin$ Your Lumber?

It is true that some unbranded lumber may have a fine appearance on the outside. But our everyday requirements and the test of time and the elements will tell the story.

McCloud Shevlin Pine is stamped on every piece. Ask for it by name. For your protection, ask for grade-marked lumber as well as trade-marked lumber.

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