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-$Q p6sslt or More Red Heart

-1OO Percent Oil Content

Gcnuiac Tennercec Aromatic Red Cedar, accurately nralufacturcd, toDgue and grooved and end matched. Coatr no morc than unknowl brandr. Made by Gcorge C. Brown & Co, Memphir, world'c largert manufacturer of Tennergee Aromatic Red CedarSealed in double-face fibre board cartonc againet durt, dirt, dampnesr or damage in rhipping or rtoragc.

For circular and quotation

William M. Beebe

William M. Beebe, r,vell known lumberman of San Francisco, died in Oakland, July 10. Mr. Beebe was born in Kentucky 49 years ago, and entered the employ of the Long-Bell Lumber Co. at Kansas City in 1901, remained with this firm until 7920, and held the position of sales manager for 15 years of this time, and was also a director. He went to Seattle in 1920 lvhere he organized the BurtonBeebe Lumber Co., and came to San Francisco three years later lvhere he was engaged in the hardwood business as selling agent for a number of Southern mills.

While in Kansas City, Mr. Beebe was very active in club life, having been president of the Kansas City Club for trvo years, and was one of the organizers of the Hiilcrest Country Club. He was considered one of the best amateur golfers in the Middle West, and was the winner of many tournaments. He rvas a member of the Hoo Hoo ordef for many years,

He is survived by his rvidorv, N[rs. Helen Beebe of Oakland.

H. B. Miller Transferred to Los Angeles Office

N{r. H. B. I\filler, Executive Vice President of the Trus. con Steel Company, has been recently transferred from the Home Office at Youngstown, Ohio, to the Los Angeles Office. NIr. Miller has assumed charge of the entire Pacific Coast organization, extending from Seattle to San Diego and embracing all the Western territory of the Truscon Steel Company.

nIr. Miller has been with the Truscon a number of years in various executive transfer to the Pacific Coast is the result ness in this territory.

Steel Company for capacities and his of increased busi-

The Truscon Steel Company has Sales Offices in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Phoenix and \\/arehouses in Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, maintaining complete stocks in these cities. The nerv, modern plant recently built in Los Angeles to adequately serve the Southwestern territory, is in full operation and norv supplies a large portion of the various Truscon products for the Pacific Coast territory.

M.. J. E. Heber, formerly Manager of the Los Angeles District, has resigned to engage in other activities.

Ed Matheny Back at Work

Ed Mathenl', manager of the Yuba City yard of The Diamond Match Company, recently returned to work after an illness lasting six weeks, due first to an operation, and then to an attack of malarial fever which followed.

X{r. X'Iatheny, although a comparatively young man will soon cornplete 30 years' service in various branches of the lumber business. He started out with eight years in the sarvmill game, with the old West Side Lumber Co., Tuolumne and spent 12 years in the wholesale lumber business in San Francisco. His retail experience totals almost 10 1'ears u'hich includes some time with the Sterling Lumber Co., s'hen he r,vas in charge of all their yards; a period in business rvith his brothers rvhen they had yards at Oakland, Roseville, Oroville, Lodi and Marysville, being in charge of the last named yard when it was sold to The Diamond N,fatch Company, and becoming associated with this concern at that time.

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