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Ed. Horr Says There is no Such Person
Oakland, Caiif., July 11,1929. Mr. Jack Dionne, Care The California Lurnber Merchant, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angerles, California.
My dear Jack: llave reacl your article in the Jull' lst "X'Icrchatrt," entitled "He Didn't Believe in Trade Journal Advertising."
Now the man )'ou clescribe ma1' be honest in his convictions but he is rnistaken, nevertheless, for such a persoll as he does not really exist.
This indiviclual islikelv a 100 per cent American rvho starts the da1.by arising fronr a "Seeley" mattress to bathe in a "Crane" tub,then lathers rvith "Colgates" Cream applied rvith a "Rubberset" brush, afterr,vards shaving with a "Gil,lette", procee<ling to a breakfast of "Srvift's Premium", couplecl l'ith tl.re rvell knorvn "hen fruit."
He likely drives to his offir:e in his "Iluick," sits himself at his "Derby" desk, talks to the "Dictaphone", these notes being transcribed on an "Unclerr'r,ood" and signed 'ivith a "Duofold."
Later he may play golf r,vith a "Spalding" club, afterr.vards joining his friends at the nineteenth for a drink of "Canada Dry"r' cooled in a "Frigiclaire."
And so on unto the end. l;ttt of course he <loes not ltelieve in tradejournal advertising because he does not use any of tlre things that are sold in magazine advertisements, an<l whether the interest is created through the columns of "The Saturday Evening Post" or "The California Lttmber Merchant" it is there just the same, and the results are always alike.
Yours truly, Ed. O. Horr, Chicago Lumber Co. of Washington. *Ingreclients may be included ad lib.