1 minute read
,R. C. Calloway to Represent v McCloud
in Texas
The McCloud River Lumber Co. announce the appointment of R. C. Callorvay as their mill representative for the state of Texas. He has just cornpleted a visit in California rvhere he spent a week at The McCloud River Lumber Co. operations -at McCloud, California, and also spent several davs at the company's San Francisco office rvl.rere he conferred rvith W. G. Kahman, sales manager for the comPany.
Mr. Calloway is well known to the lumber trade of Texas where he has been connected rvith the industry for n.rany years. He r,vill make his headquarters at 506 First National Bank 13ldg., Fort Worth, Texas.
Ship Named For / Eight Year Old Boy
Charles L. Wheeler, Jr., eight year old son of Charles L. Wheeler. vice-president and general manager of the McCormick Steamship Company. rvas made a happy boy recently rvhen the steamer Point Judith r'vas re-christened the Charles L. Wheeler, Jr.
Mr. Wheeler actecl as sDonsor for the vessel. and the rechristening took place at Pier 40, San Francisco, with the usual attendant ceremonies, in the presence of officials of the company.
The Charles L. Wheeler, Jr. will continue in the Columbia River-California service.