2 minute read
Rees Blow Pipe
The Merry Heart
The merry heart, the merry heart, Of heaven's gifts I hold thee best; And they who feel its pleasant throb, Though dark their lot, are truly blest.
From youth to age it changes not, In joy and sorrow still the same; When skies are dark, and tempests scowl, It shines a steady beacon flame.
It gives to beauty half its power
The nameless charm worth all the rest: The light that dances o'er the face, And speaks of sunshine in the breast.
If beauty ne'er had set her seal, It well supplies her absence, too; And many a cheek looks passing fair Because a merry heart shines through.
Scientific Accounting
A wholesaler had a lot of trouble getting a certain client to pay his bills-not to pay them promptly, but to pay them at all. Finally he wrote the merchant a rather threatening letter, and in reply received the following communication:
Dear Sir:- What do yow mean by sending me a letter Iike the one you wrote on tle tenth inst.? I know how to run my business. I
Every month I place glll my bills in a basket and then figure out how much mond I have to pay on my accounts. Next I btindfold my bookkeeper and have her draw as many bills out of the basket as I have money to pay for.
If you don't likemy way of doing things I won't even put your bills in the basket.
After The Party
First Drunk-"Say, that was sor4e party last night. How did you find yourself this morninqf"
Second l)ltrnk;-"Basy enou$d, I just looked under the table, and there f was".
The Right Length
"Dearie, how long should \t*n'" skirts be?"

"Sweetie, let your chassis betlpur guide".
Do you remember the hero in "The Rover", one of Conrad's books-the one who had his ship in the harbor always ready for a cruise but who never went anywhere? He found his fun in knowing that he was fpee to go. Thus life in the little house by the Mediterranqfr never wearied him. Tomorrow, or the next day,\r gbssibly the day after, he intended to sail for some stra\gp port. If you feel tied, there may bb a- suggestion in this lor you. Let your imagination carry you to freedom from all things that keep you enslaved. Make your mental life so rich that the limitations of part of your actual life will seem insignificant to you.Dreier.
"I can't" is a foolish expression'Tis really a coward's confessionSomehow or other it always comes back Stealing the good things we already lack, Bringing us nothing but trouble and care, Leaving us hopelessly sunk in despair, But there's never a day
When the world can say That a man's not a man,, if he dare.
"I will" is a wonderfut bfssing, A heart full of courage e\pressing. Somehow or other it brings us success, Fills us with joy that we cannot repress, Gladdens our friends, makes their burdens more light, Places a star in our crown every night, For there's never a day
When the world cannot say That a man's not a man, if he'll fight.
No Proof
.Brinson Smith.
The fact that a believer is happiEr than a skeptic is no more to the point than the flct ,that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. ttre Vppiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.-Shaw.
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Pie Like Mother Used to Make . .5 cents Our kind .....10 cents.