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N. L. M. A. Directors' Meeting

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August 8 and 9

The mid-summer meeting of the Directors of the National Lumber Nlanufacturers Association u'ill be held at Longvierv, Wash., August 8-9. Of especial irnportance u'ill be consideration of the plan prepared in pursuance of the recommenclation, rnade at the recent tneetitrg of lttnrber rnanufacturers at Colorado Springs, that an e-xtetrsive continuing survey of the fltture consumption requirements of rvoocl-using inclustries be conducted b1- the National Associaticln. Irlportant Tracle Extension matters, inclucling the progress of the luml>er-tnarking program aucl futttre aclvertising and getreral publicitl' plans u'i11 l>e considered. Progress reports on the neu' National Statistical program, authorizecl at the last.meeting of the Board. u.ill be submittecl.

Use Douglas Fir and Plywood in Super Warships

A recent account of the new stlper warships built by Great Britain includes the follorving interesting reference to Douglas fir and plyrvood :

"The rveather decks rvere sheathed u'ith Douglas fir in lieu of the cttstomary teak, the loss in r'*.eariuq qualities and appearance being sacrificed for lightrress". said Sir Berry. "Plywood was largely ttsed for drvarf and clivisional bulkheads, not of importance for strength purposes. The heavier standard articles of furniture u'ere redesigr.red and very considerably lightened, and here again plyrvood rvas extensively used. All rvood fittings rvere fireproofecl by 'oxylene' process !"

The above information is of particular interest in vierv o{ the fact that Great Britain, rvhich is knorvn the rvorld over for solid building. selects these commodities to l.re usecl in their first line of defense.

J. O. Means Back In Lumber Business

After a two years' absence from the lumber business n'hile he rvas taking a rest for his health, J. O. Means is back in the lumber business again rvith headquarters in the Petroleum Securities Building. Los Angeles. With the exception of the past trvo years. Mr. Means has been connected l'ith the wholesale lumber busl'ness irr Los Angeles since 1910. He has just completed a trip to the Northrvest rvhere he u'as visiting the Douglas fir mills.

Prescott Hoo Hoo to Hold Concat

Arizona lToo Hoo are preparinq to initiate a good-sized class of Kittens to be staged at Prescott. Arizona. on August 10. Vicegerent snark W. Perrv Undern'ood vvill be in charge, assisted by state counselor Hau'k Huey of Phoenix and officers from other sections of the state.

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