1 minute read
New Weyerhaeuser Plant at Longview
(Continued from Page 37) ager of the Longview Branch of Weyehaeuser Timber Company, having general' supervision of the mills and woods operations, with Harry E. Morgan assistant manager in charge of manufacturing and Ed Baker, woods suPgrintendent. Sam Johns was taken from the position of district sales manager of the Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Company to serve in that capacity at Longview, with F. N.
Nine hundred and ainet! feet long, this great range of sheds Ntne ang flrnety req tong, tns will house a targe lart ol f&e 100,000,000 Lonouiru bratch of Wet*haeuser Timbs ( Longaim brcach Wey*haeuser
)-foot stoch uhich tke Confan! uill cany in iuEtart teaal;ress for rush ordss, The loun unit in the center of this structere houses the loadiag d.ochs; the big buildings ad' ioining it on eithn side are crane-sheds from uhich ordns for f*ishing l*mber uill be assenbled, Siegmund, formerly with the Silver Falls Timber Company at Silverton, Ore., as his assistant.
Other operating officials are: Sidney B. Lervis, in charge of grades and orders; H. A. Speidel, superintendent of mills and log pond; Carl H. Kelly, superintendent of dry kilns, planing mill and shipping; F'. C. Oliver, chief engineer; E. A. Denning, chief millwright; L. W. Leach, master mechanic; T. A. Peterson, planing mill foreman; Frank Orr, foreman O'Brien, chief of fire department; Clyde A. Corman, head scaler.
Modern Colors for
Redwood Interiors
' "Modern Colors for Redwood Interiors" is the title of a delightfully illustrated folder just issued by The California Redwood Association. It is printed on heavy enamel paper and shows 24 samples all in color of different staining and painting effects on Redwood, together with a beautiful interior home picture showing stained Redwood. The folder is ready for the use of the trade.
J. F. Markham
If Yo' K''o* an Exclusive .W'".r""-I{e''"y D "t1""
Yott K.''o* a Man
W'ho" }ll.rki''g Moneyl
I{" h"so't r big inventory ar.d a slow trrrnover. Ifis money is in hir till or in th" b"lrk not tied up in stock.