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How Lumber Looks
DoWlar Fir-Lumber production for the week ended July 19, at 347 millr reporting to the West Coast Lurnberm€n's .A,uociation, war 46.67 per cent of capacity. This comparer with 45.OG per cent of capacity for the preceding week and with an average of 64 per cent of capacity from January I to June 1. Since the week ending May 24 the indrutry hac been operating on greatly reduced rchedulec, r,esulting, according to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, in a total reduction of oulpu! durrng these eight weeksr.of approximately 36410O0'000 board feet. This is over two we€kE' production for tfie entire indurtry of Oregon, Warhington and British Columbia, according to the Araociation, at present operating scheduler.
Production, orden, and ahipments at 222 mnlb for the week ended JuIy 19 were reported to the Association as followr : Production 122,155,566 feet, Ord'err 1 4315901363 feet, and Shipmentr 144,720,139 feet. With production unusually low, new businesr for the week war in e:rcess of current cutting by 17.54 per cent and shipments were 18.47 per cent over the output.
Details of orders and shipments as reported by these 222 millr follows: Orders-Rail 45,333,689 feet; Domestic Cargo 51,4811564 feet; Export 29,149,563 feet; Local 171625,547 f*t Shipmentr-Rait 49,300,461 feet; Domedic Cargo 46,3921266 feet; Expora 321401,876 feet; Local 17,625,547 feet.
The California market does not show any particular change, but manufacturerg and wholesalerr are looking for an improvement during the month of August-they report that the production curtailment at tte mills has more than ofrret the slackening ofi in demand during July and they are confident that Augurt will see better prices. A new retail price list war recently issued in Lor Angeles and retail quo- tations are showing gfeater uniformity thab for some timc. Lath ir scarce and pricer on this item are strong. Unsold stocks at San Pedro totaled 9,7551000 feet on July 23. There are 5l veuels in the California servite tied up.
For the week ended July 19, the Califbrnia Wbite and Sugar Pine Manufactur€rs Association repbrted production from 17 mills.es 2Or788rOO0 feet, shipmentr 14'6521000 feet and orders 13,10OrO00 feet. ilhe California Redwood Arsociation for the week ended Julv 19 reported production from 12.millr as 5,549,OOO feet, rhipmentl 3,9960fi) feet and orders 3r972r0OO feet. The Pine and Redwood mart€ts show very little change. Efiective July 16, Redwood priccs were readjusted, with the reault that some are now highcr and otherr lower, the general efrect of the change b"it g'a simplification of the list. sairSt*ttllat
The current relationrhip of shipme'nts and orders to production for the fint 29 weeks of 193O as report€d to,the National' Lumber Manufacturen Arsociation by the regional associations, is as follows:
West Coalt Lumbermen's Asrociation-Production 4r479,416 M feet; Shipments 41342,630 M feet; Ordere 4r268,496 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Aseocialiep-p1s{s3' tion 5O5,296 M feet; Shipments 587,8OG M feet; Orderr 594,503 M feet.
California Redwood Association-Production 2O3r277 M feet; Shipments 188,76O M feet; Orders 189'OOZ M feet. Southern Pine Asrociatiel -plsduction 1'683'151 M feet; Shipmentr 1,554,399 M feet; Orderr l'53O'303 M feet.
Total Hardsoe{a-plsduction 1,2601326 M feet; Shipments 1,045,003 M feet; Orderr 99O,54O M feet.
Over 2000 Attend Fall River Phil Hart With Schumacher Mills Meeting
More than 2,000 attended the fourth annual meeting and annual get-to-gether of Northern California Hoo Hoo at Fall River Mills, Calif., July 4, 5 and 6. This was the largest turnout that ever assembled for this event. The meeting was sponsored by Westwood Hoo Hoo Club No. 38.
-Among the speakers was Hon. Frank Jordan, Secretary of State of California, who delivered an excellent addresi. Among the entertainment features were a street carnival, baseball g'ames, outdoor sports, dancing and banquets.
Vicegerent Snark, Henr Neunaber of Westwood, was in gltatgg of Concatenation, assisted by the following: Senior IIoo Hoo, C. R. Parker; Junior IIoo IIoo, Herbert A. lryttn; Bgjum, W. L. Klotz; Scrivenoter, J. A. Shere; Jabberwock, C. Douglass;,Custo,catian, Josepi H. Hunter; Arcanoper, George N. Peliter; Gurdon, J. D. Love.
Phil B. Hart has joined the sales for,ces of the Schu- macher Wall Board Corporation, according to nouncement of Earl Galbraith, Sales Manager. been stationed at San Francisco. where he will the anHe has work the trade of San Francisco, Oakland, and part of the Peninsula. Mr. Hart is well known to the lumber trade of California. He has had a number of years' experience in the retail lumber business in Los Angeles, and was for a number of years Managing Editor of The California Lumber Merchant.
Kenneth Smith Spends Few Days In San Francisco
Kenneth Smith, Hardwood Flooring Bureau, Los Angeles, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent several days on business.