1 minute read
Heber Company
Jack Williams, one of the best known millwork manufacturers in Southern California and in the past associated with several of the big millwork firms of this territory, has been secured as Superintendent of manufacture by the new Maule-Heber Company, for their big plant on Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles.
E. G. Bower, of Dallas, Texas, one of the best known commission lum,bermen in the South,'is enioying his first visit to the west at the present time. While he is driving and on a business trip strictly, he is accompanied by his wife and son. They visited Los Angeles, Fresno, San Francisco, and Westwood in California, and will continue into the Northwest. Mr. Bower sells many lines of western wood products 'in Texas, and this is his first time at seeing them first hand. He is'a great booster for Philippine Mahogany, and believes that when times get normal again, Texas will become a very large consumer of these varied and beautiful woods.