1 minute read


EREIN illustrated and described is a type of barn which bears close resemblance to the barn of early pioneer days. a number of spegreat variation in

This particular design embodies cial features that make possible a size, layout, arrangement and use.

It is more or less a composite plan ol over one hundred similar barns designed and built, over a period of years, for individual farmers. It insures the greatest amount of workable space and storage at minimum cost.

HIS barn is primarily a Hay Storage, Shelter and Feeding Barn. It is not recommended as a Milk- ing Barn wherein to produce high class market milk. A dairyman contemplating such a building should consult local authorities as to specific requirements. It is admirably suited to the following uses:

(See the following pages for further recommendetions and suggestions.)

Han Grain and Feed Storage.

Dairy or Beef Cattle Feeding and Shelter. Calf Pens-herd size-young stock, etc. Work stock and harness room. Implement and machinery storage.

T LLUSTRATED above are a few combinations of I standard units of this design. Others are readily - possible to meet individual requirements. (Ask for "Suggester Lumber and Cutting Lists.")

It is false econorny to build a temporary structure. Plans that provide for future extensions and expansion, or for possible later conversion to other uses, usually pay big dividends.

C\ KETCH (a) illustrates how one shed or wing may .\first be built as a complete unit to serve tempora- *rily, later to be increased in length as at (c). enlarged with addition of other units such as (e) and (f ), or both.

Two shed units may be temporarily grouped as at (b) with one to be moved later to (f ) to provide for hay unit (e).

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