1 minute read
What Does Your Home Need.. o . . . to Keep its full Comfort and Investment Value?
f UST a lot of little things if it's to be J kept in "tip-top" shape from yeat to year. So, too, do hundreds of homes in your cornmunity need occasional repair and remodeling to keep them modern, in full comfort and at full investment value.
Here is a tremendous and profitable market with the surface hardly scratched. Sun porches . . Breakfast nooks . . sleeping porches . . . new additions garages new foors, etc., are needed but desire lies dormant and needs to be aroused by a few suggestions to swing it into action.
Armed with dry lumber facts and with new suggestions and plans to secure this additional business, the remaining months of the building year should show an unusual increase in profits. We have prepared the copy for a seties of advertisements built around this idea of "Keep Your Home in Good Repairr" which you can run in your local newspapef over your own name. Any number of these will be sent you tipon request.