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Prof. Fritz to Edit Journalof Forestry
The Journal of Forestry, official orgari of the Society of American Foresters, will be edited ,by Professor Emanuel Fritz, member of the staff of the Division of Forestry at the lJniversity of California in charge of Wood Technology and Lumbering. Beginning with the October issue, Mr. Fritz succeeds Mr. S. T. Dana, now Dean of the Forest School at the University of Michigan, according to a statement just released by Paul G. Redington, Chief of the Biological Survey, and President of the Society. Mr. Fritz is well known in lumber circles where he is regarded as having a thorough knowledge of the problems that confront the industry. His acquaintance in the lumber industry and its trade press assures the Journal of Forestry a wider circle of friends and a strengthening of the cordial relations that have characterized the dealings between the lumbermen and foresters in recent vears.
Professor Fritz'was born in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 29, 1886. He was graduated from the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute in 1905, and from Cornell University in 19ffi with the degree of Mechanical Engineer. From 1908 to l9l2 he was an instructor in the Engineering Department of the Baltimore Polvtechnic Instiiute. H1 enfered the Yale Forest School in [gIZ and graduated in 1914 with the degree of Master of Forestry. -After a'half year with the State Forester of New Hampshire, he entered the Forest Service as forest assistant. In 1915 he Was assigned to the Coeur d' Alene National Forest in Idaho, and in 1916 saw service at the Fort Valley Forest Experiment Station, on the Coconino National Forest, in Arizona. He entered military service in August, 1917, and was mustered out in 1919 as a captain in the U. S. Air Service. In July, 1919, he was appointed a member of the staff of the Division of Forestry at the University of California to handle forest products and wood utilization, the position he now holds.
OFFICES: Hcrd Oficr l02li Metron Bld3. SAN FRANCTSCO
2t2 Chrnbcr of Conucrcr Blds.
PORTLAND-I2I0 Ycoa Blds. SEATTLE-|{0I Whitc Blds.
Mr. Fritz has varied his work at the University with work for lumber companies. In 1927 he spent seven months with the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers'Association and five months with the West Coast Lumbeimen's Association working on marketing problems. Mr. Fritz is a member of the Ameiican Societv 6f Mechanical Engineers, as well as the Society of Ameriian Foresters. He is a member of Sigma XI, Xi Sigma Pi, and Phi Sigma honorary scientific societies. He is also a member of Hoo Hoo and the local lumbermen's ,clubs of the San Ftancisco Bay region.
His contributions to the literature of his chosen field of work have been many and he has also kept well informed of the trend of the forestry movernent in the United States. He has been a member of the Editorial Board of the lour- nal since March, L922- The Society is fortunate to secure as Mr. Dana's successor a man of Mr. Fritz's experience in forestry and lrtmbering and intimate acQuaintanCeship with the handling of Journal of Forestry actlvities.